Sunday 13 October 2024

Painting - Steel Legion Vehicles

 Hello Folks,

Got another wave of painting done. Awhile back I did some Steel Legion infantry models, finally got back around to doing some vehicles of them.

Traditionally I haven't liked painting big vehicles very much, but with lots of colors pf spray, washes, and big make up brushes for dry brushing I have come around. They are quite fun now.

Full Lot:

Picture of everything for the thumbnail.


First up the Chimeras, I have a kindness for wheeled tanks so I ordered some 3rd party resin conversion kits, think they are much cooler this way, but opinions may vary?

Leman Rus Tank:

Every guard army needs a rush, the classic sci-fi tank. New kit let's you make 2 current to easily swap, but it sadly doesn't have an aerial which is a muss to me.


This big lady was absolutely not part of the original plan, but towards the end of painting the first 3 I thought it might be fun to do a super heavy, I was unwilling to pay the crazy high price. As fate would have it some one at the miniatures flee market was selling 1 for 80 bucks, be stupid not to but that!

Some started a conversion but aborted that, there's a few scars but you can't really tell. This was a blast and turned out pretty great. One of the classics, need to be on the look out for a cheap Knight now. 😁


Finally a few armageddon pattern sentinels to round things out. 2 of thd new kit and 1 old so you can comment which you like better. I'm turn, the new is ALLOT more parts, but the old one is hard to avoid looking 'droopy' headed, the new kit has a pin that avoids that. Also nice flat bit fir a transfer.

Anyway thats it for now, next project is either Bolt Action, or a Saga army. Hard to decide!



Saturday 28 September 2024

Battle Report - 40k 3rd Ed

 Hello Folks,

Time for more Classic Warhammer 40k action. Playing some more 40k 3rd edition, this time its my Craftworld Eldar vs the nasty Dark Eldar. As usually selected a mission from the battle book and got Out Flank.

2 objectives in my side, 1 for the Dark Eldar, but they are out flanking. Most objectives held at the end wins.

Here's the set up, the silver building, tau ship and round building in the far side are the objectives. I started mostly back but with the Wraithlord forward. Dark Eldar have 2 units of warriors deployed with wytches and incubi I'm reserve. I kept swooping hawks and war walkers in reserve.

Dark Eldar try a few shots, and I advance a bit nothing serious turn 1.

Turn 2 the wytches show up and start a melee for the tau ship. And the swooping halls drop grenades on a warrior squad killing most of them then land in the middle.

Turn 3 the dark eldar lord and his incubi show up on yhe Flank in their raider, not good. And the wytches have just about killed my storm squad.

Very lucky for me the wraith lord glances the raider with a missile, the rolls a 6 to destroy it! Leaving the incubi pinned and surrounded by flames.

Next turn the Dark Eldar lord seethes in frustration. But his guys are able to secure the tau ship and kill all but 1 hawk, could be worse.

Sadly on my turn the incubi all burn, the wraithlord then charges the Dark lord. He has a shadow field for a 2+ save but fails and is crushed by the mighty fist.

Next turn its an all out battle for the tau ship.

End of the game after turn 5. My walkers control the tau ship, the warriors have the round tower, and I forgot to put the wraithlord by the silver building so ots a tie!

Plugs the Dark Eldar took 2 slaves, so a tie + 2 slaves I guess?

Anyway very fun game!


Thursday 26 September 2024

Painting Update - Eldar

 Hello Folks,

Had a bit of time off this month to go home for a visit. Decides to work on sine more eldar stuff while i was there.

Got a couple of guardian squads dine and some walkers, pretty good progress.

Also got to try out a couple games of Age of Sigmar Spearhead:

Ghosts vs dwarves

Sigmar guys vs dwarves

It's a pretty fun game, easy to make an army, packs up small to travel but still lots to think about.

You get cards you can score for buffs, or use for powerful abilities.

Anyway thats all for now.



Sunday 8 September 2024

Painting Update - Age of Sigmar Spearhead & Bushido

 Hello Folks,

Finished some more painting projects, planing to try out Spearhead the new small scale age of sigmar game during summer vacation.


First up got a force of spooky ghosts painted. Partly because I thought it would be fun and easy, and partly the ghosts are pretty cool!

Spearhead Terrain:

Also got the terrain set fir spearhead painted up, even did the little rules!


Also got the first half of the starter set fir Bushido done. Mostly I just think the models for this game are pretty cool. Did these mostly using speed paint 2.0 to try em out. 

That's all for now.



Sunday 18 August 2024

Battle Report - Warhammer 40k 3rd ed

 Hello All,

Got the chance yesterday for a game of 40k 3rd edition. A guy a wirk gave me his old 2nd ed Chaos stuff which I have been working away on. Do decided to use that plus a few demonscto make up the points.

Facing the despised Dark Eldar. Due to the we choose the slave raid mission from the battle book. Basically win combats and a few other things to get slave points. But the Dark Archon gets 5x points. 😬

This mission let's you deploy right up to the centerline, but you can't hide in the back! Dark eldar go first unless they roll a 1 and loose the initiative.

I put my terminators in the woods right on the face of the archon and imcubi. My thought is maybe go first and smash them, if not a least this juicy target keeps them way over there! The marines can beat up the chaff.

No trouble smashing them, and shooting up my guys a bit.

Witches assault the prince of demons, while the archon finishes the last terminator. That is allot of slave points for him.

Khorne enthusiasts help out a beat up the witches.

The witches kill my demon, but their leader did to many drugs and died! Remember kids don't do 3 drugs at once. I have been only mostly winning combats so the score is getting close.

Juggernaut arrive and start stomping all of the eldar warriors. Archon and his lads mount up and head over.

Killing time, juggernaughts turn out tough to crack and we mostly draw. The shoots warriors form a nice line, only to get flamered.

Sadly having to much fun now so forgot to take pictures.

When we remembered we rolled for random game length like turn 6 and it ended. I was up 1 point on slaves, but we each lost a hero worth d6. Demon was worth 5, which lady 4, so a hard tie!

Hah excellent game. Really enjoying playing 3rd ed! 



Saturday 17 August 2024

Battle Report - Game of Thrones

 Hello Folks,

Game day at the club again, lots of variety this week, I went to play Game of Thrones,  which I have been really enjoying. 

I have lanisters this tine led by the mountain. Facing the dreaded targaryens under Strong Belwas. Fun!

We decided to play dance of dragons as it seemed fun but not to complicated.

Terrain I just set up, hate terrain set up rules, apparently no hills in this game but we just said the block line of sight if behind.

Here's the set up, mountain on the hill, cav on the flanks, crossbows to shoot at unsullied, and more guards and mountains men.

Turn 1 just moving up into position, the cav are faster so they are able to get on the objectives. I figure especially the unsullied will be hard to shift, but still hoping to pick away at them with crosbows.

Turn 2 things got hot fast! Shooting from dothraki messed up the hounds unit so I pulled them back. Then the cross bows got charge, and things turn into a bit of a mess. As you can see allot of lanisters died this turn so I am worried.

Next turn I had the initiative so the hound charged in a killed off that unit of dothraki. I got a bit lucky with the unsullied filing morale tests and the got beaten down quite a bit. Allot of unit had to die thou!

Then we ended with a big showdown between Strong Belwas and the Mountain. With a bit of luck the mountain managed to beat Belwas down, who then used a card to get 1 more fighting round and killed the mountain hah!

Things becoming tough now, my cav have a good save and are grinding down the dothraki veterans. But probably a bit to slow as the targs are at 9 of a needed 10 victory points.

Managed to just barely kill the vets, but not enough gas to fight the last unit. So its a solid win for the targs, I had I dunno 4-5 points something like that.

Very fun game, really enjoying Game of Thrones!

Anyway here a few shots of the other game going on at the club.

English civil war

L'art de la Guerre

Free peoples vs Greyjoy

Bolt Action


Monday 12 August 2024

Battle Report - Fallout Factions

 Hello Folks,

This weekend trued out the new Fallout Factions game. It's a frost grave/ mordheim type game in the Fallout universe, but you get a list of story goals kind of like the Trojan Saga Campaign Nick did awhile back.

I took Wasteland Raiders as I had a few already painted, Duncan took the Disciples raiders that think they are fancy I guess.

First mission is always a Skirmish in the wasteland, basically murder the other guy. Seems like every faction gets 1 bad ass gun, for me it's a gatling gun, Duncan gets a missile launcher!

Little bit I to turn 1, big shoot in front of the gas station. Trying to kill the missile guy, and suppress other guys and figure out how this all works. My Psychos are sneaking up the other side trying to murder people with the gatling gun lady.

Turning out that endurance is very important and my guys have less, so getting beat back a bit. My lady with a pipe got killed, but Mr Machette got revenge. Ge later died.

Not many guys left now, mainly the boss, but trying to use the station to cut who can shoot. A few guys move to the corner for a shot the die.

Only a fee guys left, so a loss for the raiders. But there is a rule 'easy first ride', so no injury rolls. Get 3 exp and upgrade the gatling lasy who gets endurance, not bad. 

I choose Party Time as my story, so mainly have to do drugs and stockpike scenarios from my base in the Safari Zone.

Paper work.

Seems this game needs closer in shots as the guys get lost a bit, maybe remember that next time.

