Saturday 19 September 2020

Battle Report - Club Day Bolt Action

 Hello Folks,

Another club day done, this time around it's Bolt Action, 28mm WW2. Not my favorite game, honestly I mostly need to paint a new army that doesn't have a big stupid tank in it! One of these I have to get around to that, as this gamer is pretty popular, and still fun.

Anyway I took my US Para guys, with said mentioned tank, going up against some nasty Germans with a big tank of their own, and an armored car!

Here's the set up, I have a squad on each flank with goodies in the middle. Germans a bit more spread out, with the big scary tank on the road. Mission is murder, who ever murders the most is the winner, we had a preparatory bombardment as well but it didn't do much.

Turn 1 most things just advanced, low visibility this turn so not to much action. The armored car whipped up on the bridge and forced my mortar down. MY tank then carefully lined up a shot and got a 1!

The Germans try to show me how it's done, but they miss to hah! MY artillery officer called in his bombardment on the ford by the German troops.  sadly he badly miscalculated and it drifted off right into the heart of the German force, killing an observer and doing a ton of pins. Not to bad!

Next turn oddly similar. More shooting but not terribly effective. I tried a close assault on the car which was fun, but rolled a 1 for damage and the thing survived! Tank missed again as he is prone to do hah. German tank has allot of pins so he is having a hard time of ti as well.

Next turn with the German troops evading my easy flank through the church, I wandered into the open killing fields in front of the HMG... Still can't kill that car, which is becoming frustrating! Mainly the Germans are killing allot of my smaller teams like bazookas and such.

Mr Sherman finally blows up that car so I am just calling this turn a victory!

Things are becoming a bit desperate thou, I haven't killed many Germans so clearly am loosing, and my squads are being ground down. Hardly any left on the left, and my other guys don't have a good position.

Final turn see a bit more damage, but nothing crazy. The Germans have recovered their pin by now, and it's my tank that is taking the brunt of the fire. A panzerfaust got a solid hit but failed to do major damage. In the end I had allot more guys dead but killed a car, couldn't figure out the right way to do victory points so we just agreed to call it a German victory! PRetty sure that is the right call, there are a fair number of dead Americans, including an officer. That can't be good.

Germans celebrate the sweet taste of victory, but we'll see who wins the war!

As usual shots of other games in the club:

A mostly empty village? Guess allot more stuff died over here.

The pros fighting it out in the desert.

A bucket of Soviet Naval infantry fight the Germans.

Even the She-Nazis have to fight back against the blue hatted hordes!



Saturday 12 September 2020

Painting - Heavy Gear

 Hello Folks,

Dream Pod 9 is doing their yearly painting contest, which I took as a great excuse to paint up a new army. I don't know why but always have a tn of fun painting Heavy Gear armies. Big thing this year is the new wave of plastic models, they are even more detailed then before (although at the cost of more parts). I found them to be great, also they are designed and cast in Montreal which I think is pretty cool!

I'm going to post the stuff I painted below obviously, but you can check out their forum to see all the other entries as well, lots of great stuff, mostly better then mine! hah.

General Purpose Squad:

Firstly some basic troopers. A bunch of warriors, with 1 warrior IV.

Heavy Support:

Then a heavy support squad with 2 bigger crusaders with heavier weapons, and a skirmisher to scout for them.

Strike Squad:

Some elite gears, a big argos with a few warrior IVs. The argos is actually metal not plastic. Actually this is the end of the plastic models. I still have some left, so will have to do a second wave of these at some point.


An artillery based infantry squad, the big artillery trucks can each transport a base. Love mixing in some tanks and infantry so had to do this.

Black Wind:

Finally a plane/helicopter? Anyway whatever you want to call I round things off with this flying stealh guy. Has an autocannon and rockets, so I guess kind of similar to a cobra.

Army Shot:

Full shot of all the guys I got done. Went with lots of bright colors this time, which worked out well I think. It's so easy not with the contrast paints.

Slann Mage Priest:

Also painted up a Slann to lend some more magical power to my lizardmen. This is a great model as well, tons of details on his floating throne.

Anyway that's all I have for now! Be sure to let me know what you think, and check out the rest of the entries to see some cool stuff.

Pledge Status, 2020:

Bought: 220
Painted: 214
Total: -16


Sunday 6 September 2020

Battle Report - Club Day Art De La Guerre

 Hello Folks,

Had another fun day down at the club. very nice today so we were able to play outside! I had my Triumvirate Roman army to play Jeff's Normans.

Here's the deployment, legion to the left Roman Cav to the right. Facing off against a concerning amount of Norman Knights.

Normans advance, third command in ambush but it didn't arrive.

Romans advance to match. Very few pips on the right flank, so after Jeff explained how elephants work with mounted that guy decided to join the end of the foot line! This turned out quite well.

The knights come charging in, but I roll really well and just loose 1 fight. Most of them lock which is just fine really. The knights loose their impact bonus on following rounds making it pretty even, but the foot can grind for longer.

I advance the other line of legions into battle with the Norman foot, and move the archers up to have a few shots. 

Battling away in the full light of day now! Due to my great luck you can now start to see a few Norman units are getting destroyed which is just fine by me. ! cav chases away my light archers, and due to lows pips and the very nice field only 2 cav are able to fight my roman mounted. Also pretty good! Plus the mediocre elephant is doing great work.

The slightly better Roman Legions are really cutting up the Norman Foot. But the knights are having a tough time as well.

Finally the Romans are able to break the Normans and it is a win. 

As usual here are a shots of the other games:

The professionals fighting it out.

 Other guys deploying their troops.

Fun day out at the club for sure, great with this nice weather!
