Hello Folks,
This past Friday we had our Christmas club day. Indian food and battle.
This time around it's more Saga age of Magic. I decided to use my Bretonnian army I painted for Warhammer Fantasy a few years back. Good excuse to get them another game! I used the Great Kingdom board.
My opponent was Lent who had a Hordes army with trolls and various fighters.
We decided to do the Challenges scenario as it's quite fun, and seems quite good for fantasy battles. We picked the following challenges to accomplish:
We shall die to the last (75% of my guys dead)
We shall leave only widows (no enemy units left with more than 6 guys)
My fury shall echo through the ages (10 kills in 1 turn)
I will crush you (kill most expensive enemy unit)
I picked die to the last ad it seemed appropriate to Brettpnians, get the Peasants killed to soften things up and the Kinights ride to victory.
Heres the deployment and terrain. Keeping my knights back, warlord to the right, captain on the left with the big banner.
Only 3 duce for me turn 1 so not much action. But the trebuchet fired a rock and the foot soldiers advance a bit.
Hordes come forward a bit, and a magic field appears!
Turn 2, time to activate my archer pincers. I moved both up with we obeys and use enfilade to shoot both. Plus fire another rock and moving out the bait soldiers
Hordes play hard ball on their turn! Lots of charges with the wizard giving extra attacks, sees 1 unit of warriors gone and the other badly beat up. But the big Titan has z good few fatigues.
I tried placing a trebucht rock to kill this guy but failed. Still he was exhausted. I decided to gamble with the Captain. She managed to knock this guy out, and some hiw survived!
Otherwise more shooting. The hordes then repositioned and tried to kill her. Charging in with a warlord! But again she heroically stuck it out, ending exhausted but alive, very nice.
Next go for me, finally time for the knights to get some action. They charge both units of warriors on the left, killing most of them, and keeping 1 guy up. Not bad. On the right I got ready for next turn. I need to get the big knight killing the creatures, without Kent killing them all as that's his goal.
We decided to end it after this turn. The hordes went into clean up mode. Some hearthguard killed the Captain, but she went down swinging and took a few out. Then the Warlord killed the last knight.
Enter the mathematics phase, all told with both had 1 objective good and 1 fail and lots of murder. Sadly I ended up 7 points behind, so the Hordes take the day!
Was a really fun game thou, lots of interesting stuff going on. Was fun to get the Brettonians out again, but man this is a creepily painted army! Things have improved allot over the years!
As usual heres z few shots of other games:
Dinosaurs! |
Santas elves fighting Trolls? |
Ho Ho Ho |
Now that it Christmasy!
Anyway that's the club day, hope everyone had a good Holiday! More action in the new year!