Sunday, 15 December 2024

Battle Report - Warhammer 40k 3rd Ed.

 Hello Folks,

Today was once again 3rd ed 40k day at Fandom. I decided I wanted to give the Baneblade a try, do we went with that. I decided it made sense to play it in the armored company list.

It would be facing the dreaded Dark Eldar.

We went with Cleanse, nice and easy mission.

Here's the deployment, I got to deploy first so I set the big guy right in the middle so he can press into the enemy zone. A squad in chimeras to each go fir a zone.

Dark Eldar go first and bring up raiders to shot the big guy. But luck is not other side and it just loses 1 inch of movement.

My turn next, the raiders moved fast so only can be glanced. But I only roll sixes on the damage table so stuff gets killed all over.

The Dark Eldar press forward cracking open 1 chimera.

I keep up my plan of driving the big guy forward and blasting everything. Score another Rader kill so the archon is pinned and has to walk.

Talos comes on swinging and destroys the baneblade giant cannon.

Vanquisher tank commander backs up into the hill. This is to be his zone. Baneblade is firced to back away from the talos. Up top my guys get out and light up the warriors killing all but 1.

Dark Eldar strike back. Big success this turn is the archon groups blasters, er blasting both Sentinels. Talos try again but to few hits this time.

My infantry squad form a line to keep the archon away from the baneblade, as he reverses again to chip away at the Talos. Up above the Hydra drives fwd to flame up the witches.

End of the game. The witches killed the Hydra but all died, along with the Talos. Chipped away all the archon buddies and his shadow field save. Final shot of the game is the vanquished hitting him with thr atmor penetrative shell, no save but I fail to wound! 

The Archon is able to slink off with 5 slaves, but my Cleanse mission was successfull.

Baneblade lost all 3 structure points and the Dark Eldar got 1 roll on the catastrophic damage table, but rolled 1 wound so he just barely survived as well.

Fun game good to give the big guy a try, he won't come out to play very often thou as it's a bit much!

Next day will be Jan 25th.



Monday, 9 December 2024

Painting Update - Lots

 Hello All,

Time for another painting update, All kinds of stuff this time.

Bolt Action, 8th Army:

First up an 8th Army Officer and his buds. Basically a test paint to see how things would turn out. Not bad but flesh a bit to tan, pretty easy to do at least.

Wargammer 40k, Steel Legion Hydra:

Another imperial guard tank, going to try out thd Baneblade this weekend so I felt like he needed a bud to shoot down aircraft, fluff wise. Plus a bit of variety.

Heavy Gear, Black Talons:

Also did a unit of heavy gear stuff for their yearly painting contest. Tried the bkack with red highlights scheme of my Dark Elf opponent which seemed appropriate and think turned out pretty cool.

Warhammer 40k, Death Company:

Bunch of Death Company to support my Blood Angels. Decided to paint them bone colored instead of black, easier and u think looks cool.

Warhammer 40k, Chaplain:

Finally a Chaplain to lead them.

Well that's it for now.


Monday, 2 December 2024

Battle Report - Bolt Action 3rd

 Hello Folks,

This past Sunday was a club day some Bolt Action was going on so I decided to head out and give it a go with my US Para. Wasn't a super fan of previous editions, but gotta try it out, plus have been jonesing for some WW2 lately.

End up with the Top Secret mission vs Jeff's Germans. Really I just want to see if the game is fun to inspire pa8nting fresh new troops.

Here's the set uo, couple squads of infantry near the middle, tank on the road, some support weapons on the right. Germans everywhere. Secret plans are the disc right in the middle.

Turn 1 mostly advancing, a few pins and casualties here and there.

Turn 2, feel like the Germans have me out numbered so take a risk to get back in the game. So both infantry move out. Leave my fence to try and get real close and wipe a german squad, thisdiesnt really work. The German cav gets on the plans. If they can get the first dice next turn they can run off, otherwise are in danger. Of course they have allot more dice.

Next turn, the cav runs off. My tank moves up and blasts them ok. Not enough really. Try to pressure with the rest, of my stuff bit not quite enough.

We play another turn, but the Germans are wiping me out so clear win for them.

Found the new edition better tho, the cover adds allot in my opinion. Planning to work on some desert stuff sometime soonish.

Others playing lion rampant

And Blucher? Lines of small guys shoot8ng each other for sure I can tell that 



Saturday, 23 November 2024

Battle Report - 3rd ed 40k

 Hello Folks,

Today was 3rd ed tine at Fandom again. This time I took some blood angels to fight the Dark Eldar. Mission wise we went for cleanse, one if the classics. Control table quarters to win.

Here's the set up, dreadnought right up front to force back the Eldar, with terminators and death company, predator and Scouts in thd back to hold quarters and flanks around, and a tactical in a rhino to push into the left corner. Also have a plane in reserve. Eldar have lots of grotesque deployed and stuff in a few raiders.

Turn 1 advance up, death company about yo charge in and do what they do.

Raiders advance and kill dready and my rhino, but the death company have the grotesque killed now finishing some witches. 

Great turn for me killing all 3 raiders and leaving he dark eldar mostly pinned. Terminators even got theirs in close combat.

All the Dark Eldar can really do is have the talos charge the terminators, but with crazy lucky saves he only gets 1.

On my turn he whifs again and gets pummeled down by power fists. My tactical finishes a warrior squad, and thd death company charge the incubi. They are crazy dangerous for marines so this is dicey. But it's a bit awkward terrainwise so only a few can fight at a time. I think this accidently works I  my favor as it keeps the archon out.

Grotesque charge the terminators after getting shot up by my plane a big. Terrible match for them but they are chipping away guys.

Last stadium of thd brave cyclone guy.

Incubi beat the death company, but only 2 incubi and the archon survive, the predator tank imnedatly foes for the incubi. Looking grim Dark Eldar wise, but they are determined to kill every marine possible!

Plane zooms in, no more grotesques.

Archon charges in, losing 1 wound to drugs. Butchers 5 marines, but I fall black and blastvhim with bolters. Finally fails a shadow field save and the find goes down!

A win for thd marines with all the Dark Eldar killed, but many of humanities bravest joined them.

All and all very good game! I think it swung allot on very lucky rolls from me. 3rd ed continues to deliver very goid games.

Bringing out the Baneblade next tine so look forward to that beast!


Monday, 4 November 2024

Battle Report - Saga

 Hello Folks,

Got to play some fun games of Saga last Saturday at Red Dragon. So usually breif battle reports. I took sone Normans with a bit of everything.

Game 1: vs Joms Vkings

We did the book of battles random mission mainly as I think it's the most fun. We got:


Under pressure

It's a good day to die


Basically murder, bonus points for having the most units alive. After their turn 4 either player can say ots game over and there opponent gets 1 final turn.

Here's the set up, basically guys with bows in front to pepper em up, then knights charge and finish them off, at least that's the plan.

Joms move up but stay outside 12.

I advance a bit and let fly.

Joms get in close and do dome javelin throwing, get a few kills.

I shoot em up and charge with the right knights. It goes OK but not great.

Must have missed a pic, but allot of stuff died. I have most of my hearty alive, plus I thought someone was waiting so call the end.

Last turn fir the joms but not enough saga dice to have a huge impact. In the final count I was up 2-3 points or something like that.

Game 2:

No one was waiting so we just went again.

March column
Pitched battle
Show of force

New rolls main things here are warlords get 2 saga dice. Again massacre points, but you get a bonus every melee you win, and 3 for having a unit cross the board.

Spread out more this time, I want a unit of knights to breakthrough and get the bonus.

Joms advance hard, ready for vengeance.

I shoot em up and get some kills, then the knights wipe a unit. Lucky start.

The joms counter attack killing my crossbows, but just out from charging my other knights.

Shooting kills 3 hearth guard, and my knights kill 4 from the other unit, but 3 knights die. I am mostly winning the fights thou so building bonus points.

Jond getting low on saga dice.

By the end they have not much left, so a solid win for the normans. Bitblucky woth shooting, and the scenario arguably favored me.

Final game vs Franks:

Inappropriate mat as the store mostly gets 40k. Scenario wise we did one from the tournament pack I think which was just murder really.

Set up fir battle. First turn for me, bug my long range dhoot8ng gets blocked.

Frank come in murder my crossbows and pull back. Scary.

I shoot em up real good, doing pretty well on that so far.

More fighting thos titm but pretty even. Really need knights charge now but my own stuff is a bit in the way.

I put up a good fight but getting ground diwn by Frankish efficency. 

Ends up being a pretty solid Frank win.

Was a great day out, fun to get some Saga going again. They also had a garage sale so I got a big of nids to paint sone day...
