Hello Folks,
Today was once again 3rd ed 40k day at Fandom. I decided I wanted to give the Baneblade a try, do we went with that. I decided it made sense to play it in the armored company list.
It would be facing the dreaded Dark Eldar.
We went with Cleanse, nice and easy mission.
Here's the deployment, I got to deploy first so I set the big guy right in the middle so he can press into the enemy zone. A squad in chimeras to each go fir a zone.
Dark Eldar go first and bring up raiders to shot the big guy. But luck is not other side and it just loses 1 inch of movement.
My turn next, the raiders moved fast so only can be glanced. But I only roll sixes on the damage table so stuff gets killed all over.
The Dark Eldar press forward cracking open 1 chimera.
I keep up my plan of driving the big guy forward and blasting everything. Score another Rader kill so the archon is pinned and has to walk.
Talos comes on swinging and destroys the baneblade giant cannon.
Vanquisher tank commander backs up into the hill. This is to be his zone. Baneblade is firced to back away from the talos. Up top my guys get out and light up the warriors killing all but 1.
Dark Eldar strike back. Big success this turn is the archon groups blasters, er blasting both Sentinels. Talos try again but to few hits this time.
My infantry squad form a line to keep the archon away from the baneblade, as he reverses again to chip away at the Talos. Up above the Hydra drives fwd to flame up the witches.
End of the game. The witches killed the Hydra but all died, along with the Talos. Chipped away all the archon buddies and his shadow field save. Final shot of the game is the vanquished hitting him with thr atmor penetrative shell, no save but I fail to wound!
The Archon is able to slink off with 5 slaves, but my Cleanse mission was successfull.
Baneblade lost all 3 structure points and the Dark Eldar got 1 roll on the catastrophic damage table, but rolled 1 wound so he just barely survived as well.
Fun game good to give the big guy a try, he won't come out to play very often thou as it's a bit much!
Next day will be Jan 25th.
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