Sunday, 23 March 2025

Battle Report - Saga Age of Chivalry

 Hello Folks,

Tine to try out the new Saga book. It's meant to work well with Crusades so we did that. I took the English, and Duncan took the Saracens, mission was Capture.

Don't have a full army painted yet but I just used some old brettonians models to fill in. Saracens went all mounted hearth guard, sone bows some spears. I have warriors w8th bows and hearthstone to fight.

Saracens first turn they do a bit of moving up and shooting and moving back, killing a couple of guys.

I advance up using an ability that move close formations of units efficiently, and did some shooting. Pretty lucky thus turn killing 4 hearts in total.

Saracens turn, they charge shattering my mid front unit giving out allot of fatigues, maybe that keeping them close thing is a trap. Almost loose a second unit to boot, but down 2 saga dice is not great.

I try to shoot back and set up my stakes, but it's not great. Warrior shooting once you start taking casualties is not great in my opinion. But I'm hoping the stakes protect my guys a bit.

Saracens capture 2 objectives, ignore my stakes and run down my warlord. Didn't think they would do that!

Able to get a good hit back with my hearths, but I'm not taking away their dice which is a problem. I am at least able to get 1 objective.

Saracens cleaning house.

Absolutely need another objective now to not loose, but tough with 2 saga dice. I try to advance my hearths, but it gets canceled with 2 fatigues. Can't win on the last dice so I toss them into the warlord but no luck.

In the end the bad guys were up by 18 points which is a medium victory according to the tournament book we were testing out.

Fun game thou, but I don't like basing an army around warrior shooting. But have to try more games, there's other boards as well obviously!



Saturday, 15 March 2025

Battle Report: 40k Armored Ambush

 Hello Folks,

Time for more 40k action. This week we had 3 players so decided on 2k of guard vs 1k each of orcs and dark eldar. General idea is am armored column being ambushed. 

Orcs want to blow shit Dark Eldar want slaves, guard wants to survive!

Here's the set up, orcs left, dark boys right, Steel Legion in the middle. I was a bit short on points do borrowed a red unit from my other guard army which sticks out a bit.

Turn 1, orxs advance menacingly, dark eldar crack open a chimera, and thd bane blade sends many orcs to orc heaven. Oh an annoyingly my russ got immobilized right at the head of the column.

Turn 2, orcs get into fighting range and start making noise, nothing crazy from the eldar. I was feeling goid so far, squashing orcs, blowing up raiders, as you would.

Turn 3, orcs getting close, charging tanks not really my preference. They kill a couple sentinels putting up some points. But lots get blasted again.

Time for carnage. Orks all up in my stuff sherd you don't really need them to be. The few alive homnclus charge my command squad taking the captain and a few guys as slaves. Also the guy by my chimera. Its getting bad but not dire.

Oh dear, orcs fighting the baneblade, I decided to back over them instead of driving away and shooting them, this kills one. Then thd nibs gets me with a crack grenade and rolls 50 sixes in a row to blow it up!

My sentinel charged in to stomp some warriors, but the talos saved them. Finally the last chimera was destroyed and another warrior group got some good slaves.

In the end the points were approximatly:

Slaves: 9

Tanks Destroyed: 6 (baneblade counts as 3 sorry gimli)

Guard alive: like 3 or 4?

So Dark Eldar win, Mitch McOrkelle in second.

Turned out quite close for some random stuff we cam uo with, very fun game!



Monday, 17 February 2025

Painting- Ottoman Upgrade Set

 Hello Folks,

Managed to complete the Ottoman upgrade set, this upgrades my skirmish force into a Task Force, few more bits and options that would be nice, but have to wait for the full release when you can pick up individual units.

Here's the added forces, some artillery combat cav lots of good stuff.

First up the hitters, nice bit unit of Siphai, charge in and do some damage.


Levends, a small skirmshing unit to be annoying.

Couple extra deli to bring the small unit to medium.

An Aga, extra commander.

Here's the full Task Force, good variety of units with infantry, cannons, light cav, heavy cav, skirmishers, but of everything. Hopefully that's smart, but only q way yo find out!



Sunday, 2 February 2025

Painting - Ottomans

 Hello All,

Finally got my kickstarter stuff for Fire and Sword in mid Jan so been busy trying to crunch out an army for the campaign. 

If I'm honest this rush is somewhat taking taking the fun out of it but it is what it is.

Anyways got the Ottoman Skirmish Force done so here is that:

Here's the full group, pretty sharp with bases and banners.

Some Gonullu, seem to be light cav that are also not bad at fighting.

Small unit of Deli, the mad ones, it saysthe6 were often intoxicated and charge in with lances.

Segbans, looks with guns? Did their banner with white glue before I discovered the were stickers not paper. But that one turned out the best to be honest.

Working on expanding to task Force now, basically artillery and stuff and a big unit of Siphai? Proper charging in cav however it's spelled.



Sunday, 26 January 2025

Battle Report - MiG Alley

 Hello Folks,

Busy weekend, ended up with a double feature. Before Christmas we had a jet painting day, now it's time to put them into action!

The planes are hard to see due to the mat, especially the camo ones, not much we can do there but look close and its pretty cool.

I get 5 MIG-19, 1 painted by Stan, who get the drop on Duncans Thundercheifs, meanwhile Stan has a Phantom? High in the sky that ambushed me.

First turn goes very well, shoot down 1 of Duncan's plane due to coming in behind with advantage and good rolling.

Next turn the phantom comes in behind causing all kinds of hell and things get scrambled. You can just see his base off to the right. He puts me to disadvantaged and gives a boom chit, but I'm still flying.

The tight turns of the MIGS and starting with advantage helps me shoot up Duncan's plane, but the phantom I can't shake.

A few planes go wide past the clouds, and numbers start to bear. Finally get behind the phantom and shoot him down. Very close shots with cannons are lethal.

Final tally 2 MIGs down plus 1-2 thunderhead and the phantom? Call it a draw maybe. Technically the US planes should have left earlier due to morale but that happened to soon to be fun.

I think we need more like 4 planes each, or a but more overall anyway.

Very fun to get the planes out anyway, I think I like this version more then the WW2 as everything is twice as fast it feels more fun I guess.

For sure there will be more planes, but we have like 10 different games we need to play so who knows when.


Saturday, 25 January 2025

Battle Report - 40k 3rd Tyranids First Contact

 Hello Folks,

First Battle Report of the year! Time for the new Tyranids to strike up and eat sone stuff. Facing Space Marines this time, and went for the First Contact mission from the battle book.

Center of each 24" square is an objective, marine units deoy in random squares tyranids come in from the edges of random squares and have lunch. Most objectives wins.

Here we are after First Tyranid move when everything is on. Immedatly shot down the land speeder, suffer not the skimmer. Few assaults good times all around.

Marines carefully lining up devastators on the hive tyrat. Lascannons roll 1s to hit, missiles 1s to wound. Haha.

End of Marines turn, it's going ok for them. Chaplain and assault Marines grinding diwn the raveners but getting killed, librarian and he's pals fighting loads of gaunts could be worse 

My turn, things get worse. Zonathrope connects a warp blast on the devs, devastating them. Hive tyrant comes into the fight and starts wrecking shit, bikes get eaten, not a good time to be semi-human.

But thing look better, the dread roasts mu leapers, termagaunts flee, some assault assault Marines survive the chaplain slaughter and get away.

Barbgaunts, aka warriors with venom cannons shake the dread, other battles continue.

Carnifex eats those assault Marines, stuff gets on objectives. My rippers on 1, Scouts on 1, librarian fighting the brain gau ts on 1, warriors trying to get 1 and keep the dread away. Can't kill him, but managed to blow up his punchy arm.

Dread blasts some barb guys but can't charge. Librarian and the brain guys still fighting so that's contested. Ends 2-1 fir the good guys (Tyranids) better luck next time humanity!

Very fun game, maybe not very balanced scenario but who cares!


Monday, 13 January 2025

Painting Update - Tyranids

 Hello Folks,

My Christmas painting project ended up being Tyranids, partly because the idea got caught in my mind and I had to, and partly as other stuff got delayed in the post strike.

Always thus is my version of Hive Fleet Tiamet.

Here's a shot of most of it for the thumbnail, more below.

Shot of the small bugs. 20x termagaunts, 10x hormagaunts, and 11x neurogaunts. Will run them as a gaunt species with scathing Talons, extended carapace and that's about it. The brain 1 is a Hive node mutant.

These guys will be warriors with venom cannons

Von Ryan's leapers, basically fighty warriors with leaping, really like these want to get more. Sadly sprayed them with white primer instead of clear spray so a bit messed up.


Hunter killer carnifex, this guy has a big head and looks qay different from a carnifex so I figure he can be a very angry Hive tyrant.

Regular hunched back carnifex. Had a hard time picking weapons. The Talons ard good but look bad. In the end I did crushing claws and Talons, will treat the claws as rending claws. Seemed a ok balance.

Fancy zonathrope, thought about making a custom monster for this guy,but he's really just a zoanathrope in a fancy coat so I left it alone for now.

This all came just about exactly to 1000 points. Figure I'll play a game and see what needs to be added.

