Sunday 24 September 2023

Battle Report - Marvel!

 Hello Folks,

Another battle, this week it's marvel, closer to a full game this time, about half size I guess?

We only used 1 objective card instead of 2, mission was to control some bombs. We had iron fist, Luke Cage, wong and iron man, vs rhino doc oc, and Zeno? Some sword guy.

I didn't end up with many pictures so it must have been good!

Here's the set up, parking lot some small buildings and a construction site. Heroes close, bad guys on the far side, 3 tokens in the middle are the objectives.

Our plan basically is to get on as many objectives as possible. Duncan with the bad guys wanted to beat sone people up.

Turn 1 basically was us moving up. Turn 2 no picture but rhino and doc oc beat up Luke Cage.

Rhino beating up iron man, iron fist beating up the doc. We are doing pretty good on objectives thou. Capturing both sides.

Rhino smashes the building into iron man, which hurts.l! Iron fist and the sword guy battle over the middle objective.

Rhino stampedes iron man back and sword guy pitches in, the goal to put Ironman in the cement mixer. 

In the middle the lads have finished off the doc so are able to capture that onjective, ironman flies over rhino and claims the other objective. 

That's enough points for us to win!

MVP of this battle was Rhino for sure built like a tank and trying to fight back just gives him more energy to smash things. Plus great model.

Real game of marvel was pretty fun, bound to be more games in the future. Plus the models especially the terrain are both really well done and different from the normal stuff.



Sunday 17 September 2023

Battle Report - Mythic Americas

 Hello All,

Finally got the chance to try out Mythic Americas! My Maya vs Duncans evil Tribal Nations.

Duncan choose the way of Everchanging, so that made me the way of everliving, thus affects spells lists and secondary objectives.

I stretched a such as I could and to to 735 or something like that. Objective to build altars. My secret was to divide and conquer so pick a unit and isolate, Duncan had to bring the hurricane by casting a spell on my side.

Here's the set up, my jaguar guys on the left facing a wendigo and sasquatch, but of Tribal in the middle, eagle and wolves on the right facing my fights units.

Turn 1 goes fine, just moving up. Duncan shoots me but my tough armor saves me, i try shooting him but to hidden in the woods.

Next turn I rolled crap act7vation dice, so the tribaks mostly go first. The sasquatch charged my jaguar men, killing w of mine but all dieing, wendigo then got the last.

My fight advanced up but a woods grew and slowed them down. Wolves attack my priestess and her swarms. 

My fights unit butchered the eagles. Finally a Tribal unit and then wendigo charged my archers but only killed 1 guy!

Next turn more bad activation dice. But the armor and savage melee of the Maya started to turn the tide. My warlords unit crushed the guys fighting my archers, but said archers got killed by the wendigo, but not before wounding it!

My priestess fought off the wolves with her statue sprite thing friends.

More battle, wendigo charged the priestess, killing her friends but getting killed. Our warlords fought which was turning out pretty even, in the back my calakmul warriors butchered the Tribal archers.

Still 1 turn left but we decided to call it a draw. Lots of murder on both sides and we both achieved our secondary. Mine was the archers, my warriors butchering them in the back luckily left 1 alive.

All in all very fun game. Mythic Americas is very similar to bolt action but with a few things thay seem odd. But the Americas pre contact fantasy stuff is very cool so worth it.


Sunday 10 September 2023

Battle Report - New Warhammer 40k

 Hello Folks,

Got to try out the new version of Warhammer 40k today, very exciting, plus get my newly painted Steel Legion guys in a game.

My opponent couldn't make it but Duncan was coming anyway and filled in with my Necrons so I got to see how both armies work.

Since it was so hot last week I went for a winter theme, and a simple scenario with 3 objectives.

Here's the set up, 3 objectives down the middle, guard in the foreground necrons on the other side.

First turn for the guard, move up with my guys trying to get the center, tank fires a shell into the necron warriors killing a few, and my lascannons do heavy damage to the annihilation barge.

Necrons reanimation brings all the warriors back, and the barges lightning guns annihilate the dangerous lascannons.

Trying to keep up the pressure, my tank and some infantry blast the warriors, and stuff try and kill the swarms advancing on the center objective. 

Next turn for the Necrons, they are focusing their fancy guns on chipping away at the tank which is going well, and the swarms are eating an infantry squad.

Next turn for me, I still have 4 infantry near the center objective, they fail moral which would make them unable to capture it, but the commissar executes someone making them pass. He the charges the swarm and missis all his attacks. Very impressive.

Necrons contest the center with immortals, and finally get the tank, with the warlord charging in to do the last wound himself.

Final turn the necrons clear out everything but the last heavy bolter, and claim all 3 objectives, enough to secure the win.

New 40k was pretty fun, no complaints really. Decent mix of simple core stuff but special rules to make things seem different.


Saturday 2 September 2023

Battle Report - Warhammer Fantasy

 Hello Folks,

Another fantasy day today, this time we were playing 2000 point and it was my Chaos vs the Necharch Vampires. Spooky

Here's the set up, lots of warriors, with chariots and Horsemen plus a giant for spice, vs lots of ghosts wights and some skeletons.

First turn for me so I move forward w8th all speed to break some bones, faster stuff flanking a bit.

Going to be a scrum in the middle, chariot was to afraid to charge the dogs. Also the banshee killed allot of warriors. But the giant crumped the black knights real good so all fair.

Dogs charge the Horsemen, but a banshee wail kills a bunch and they flee, this banshee thing man.

Ah well tine to fight, the champions challenge and my Chaos lord kills some heaven guard, but not as many as I would like, end up in a tie.

Vampire charges the blood warriors, chosen with marl of khorne and 2 hand weapons. The vampire kills 2, and the remaining 3 do not that great. End result loose by 1 auto flee and get ran over. Ladd that is not what I am paying you 45opts for, we will chat on this later.

Also the Lords unit was flanked by the ghosts and also managed to just barely loose.

We played another turn or 2 but that's it really hah.

Fun game driven by tough magic banshees and some very close combats!
