Hello All,
This weekend I played in Lord of the Rings tournament at the Canadian Tabletop Championship. As usual a series of battle reports on all the games, 5 of them!
Lots of people
I played the Return of the King Legendary Legion, with Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, and a few ghosts.
Game 1 was at the base of the massive tower of Orthnac. Goal is to capture 4 points basically on the sides of the tower.
Riders charging dead riders right away.
Trying ti break through the kings line, meanwhile Aragorn has to run all the way around the giant tower.
Line of horse men archers shooting Aragorn.
Eventually they break through, and start to surround the ghosts.
Rohan captures all the points.
Game 2: Capture the Camp
Fighting mordor this time.
March accross fight the enemy in the middle and capture their camp, should be easy right.
Advancing up, my plan to anchor the line on the house, try to make up for being put numbered. Riders way out on the flank.
Keep advancing, riders hiding behind the house.
Line in place have to hope the fight goes well. But magic from the witch King and his helps are causing some problems, draining will picking some wounds on Aragorn ect..
First fights, and my riders fighting 2 knights. Both sides have allot of terror units, and so e harbingers of evil so a few failed courage tests here and there mix things up.
Lines meet and things get messy fast.
The libe is crumbling, but somehow winning the knight fight. Sadly shagrat somehow managed to kill Aragorn.
Gimli surrounded and finally killed.
To many ghosts die and my force breaks, before anyone got to quite capture any camps so there's that. But mordor gets poi to for breaking and killing my leader so a win fir them.
Game 3: Hold Ground i think
Fighting Gondor this time
Warbands showing up randomly all over the place. Aragorn and ghosts came in late. Basically small pockets of ghosts and heroes, some badly outnumbered. I thought I could come in behind get the jump and go d'or and take out the archers quick.
First point of business is an arrow/balista fight with legolas looses. But the king of the dead gets to killing the batista crew.
On the west Gimli and his 2 ghosts get to fighting, but not much look. In the south Aragorn is fighting boromirs men going better there. Up north the riders bite off more then they can chew really.
Ghosts and men getting killed.
As you can see numbers of ghosts falling rapidly, the king is putting up a good fight refusing to die. Gimli is winning fights outnumbered 6 to 1, but not killing anyone.

Eventually boromir kills Aragorn, and the ghosts mostly get cleaned up. Gender solidly in control of the central objective so a won for them.
Game 4:
Control vs the Necromancer
In thr mines of moria this time, mission is to control the table quarters.
Advancing and forming up a line, the riders trying to run fir the corners.
Getting close to combat, saurpn doing some spells, maybe kill a guy here or there take some will off aragorn.
Time for fighting. The castelans are tough to kill as they have a ton of will they can use as fate so takes a long time to grind em down, they are also strength 5 so not to hard fir them to get the ghosts.
Numbers getting whittled down, Aragorn having a tough time with the Necromamcer, eventually fell to a morgul blade.
Getting low numbers, bit of a scramble for the corners.
I was able to contest 2 but still a win for the necromancer.
Game 5:
Vs Thranduil and the wood elves
Allot of my pictures came out sideways for some reason, so nit yhe best.
Line of ghosts ready to fight, and a line of woodelves avoiding aragorn.
After a few turn the lines are fully engaged, aragorn is doing really good damage, but numbers are taking a toll on the other side.
Killing the last few guys in the first phase. Soon time to reform the lines for another set up.
Wood elves reorganized, ghosts starting to. Maybe a chance if I can get in there, but its allot of bows.
Aragorn and company marching in, but all the bows are to much and he's dies. In the bottom a legolas vs legolas fight rages. We git 1 more turn, but the bows were to much.
A win for thranduil.
As a bonus a few shots of cool armies or terrain bits:
Lots of action, cangames next week!