Hello Folks,
Time for more 40k action. This week we had 3 players so decided on 2k of guard vs 1k each of orcs and dark eldar. General idea is am armored column being ambushed.
Orcs want to blow shit Dark Eldar want slaves, guard wants to survive!
Here's the set up, orcs left, dark boys right, Steel Legion in the middle. I was a bit short on points do borrowed a red unit from my other guard army which sticks out a bit.
Turn 1, orxs advance menacingly, dark eldar crack open a chimera, and thd bane blade sends many orcs to orc heaven. Oh an annoyingly my russ got immobilized right at the head of the column.
Turn 2, orcs get into fighting range and start making noise, nothing crazy from the eldar. I was feeling goid so far, squashing orcs, blowing up raiders, as you would.
Turn 3, orcs getting close, charging tanks not really my preference. They kill a couple sentinels putting up some points. But lots get blasted again.
Time for carnage. Orks all up in my stuff sherd you don't really need them to be. The few alive homnclus charge my command squad taking the captain and a few guys as slaves. Also the guy by my chimera. Its getting bad but not dire.
Oh dear, orcs fighting the baneblade, I decided to back over them instead of driving away and shooting them, this kills one. Then thd nibs gets me with a crack grenade and rolls 50 sixes in a row to blow it up!
My sentinel charged in to stomp some warriors, but the talos saved them. Finally the last chimera was destroyed and another warrior group got some good slaves.
In the end the points were approximatly:
Slaves: 9
Tanks Destroyed: 6 (baneblade counts as 3 sorry gimli)
Guard alive: like 3 or 4?
So Dark Eldar win, Mitch McOrkelle in second.
Turned out quite close for some random stuff we cam uo with, very fun game!