Wednesday 1 April 2020

Painting Update- Lizards

Hello Folks,

Getting  lots of painting done during the plague. Still have to work from home, but save time from the bus and not allowed to go anywhere on the weekends. But got knocked off the posting sechedule so havent gotten around to Cold Wars part 2. However I am pretty excited to get this up so here we are!

Big buy for me at Cold Wars were a few lizardmen kits, most notably the start collecting Skinks box. I have decided t8 base fir Warhamnee Fantasy, but have it in mind to also play Age of Sigmar, and Saga Age of Magic.

Fantasy armies are all the rage right now.


Starting small with a bunch of skink skirmishes. Went with javelins as I thought they look cool with shields.

Skink Priest:

Then you of course need a wizard to boss them around. He has a special textured base so I decided to skip the normal thin base.

Terradon Riders:

Cant forget the Skink Air Force of course. So we have some teradyctls to drop rocks on people/carry them off whatever comes up.


Finally due to their small size the Skinks of course want their giant scaly fried to come along. Complete with a magic beam crystal on top. Just makes sense.

Start Collecting:

So there is the start of a collection of Lizards. Everyone enjoys dinosaurs and bright colors. Made very easy actually with the new contrast paints.

Have more stuff to do of course, probably will do  a mix of Elves and Lizards based on what ever strikes my fancy that week. Plus maybe more besides. I figure during the Apocalypse it's based to follow your heart so not really any plan here.


Also got a couple of bits of terrain done, intended for my Camgames game. Although I have pretty much given up hope on that happening, so really cut the motivation to work on it.

Hopefully everyone out there is staying safe, hope to see lots of blog posts these days. Need t8 make up for the lack if gaming!

Pledge Status, 2020:

Bought: 171 (bunch of warhammer stuff from the flee market at cold wars)
Painted: 78
Total: -93


1 comment:

  1. Those look good. I really like the colour of the Teradons
