Sunday 24 April 2022

Battle Report - Warhammer Fantasy 6th Tournament

 Hello All,

Today had the chance to playbin a Warhammer 6th Edition tournament! The classics are back.

I took some luzardmen and set off ti have some fun. Format was 75 pts game 1, 1200, and then 2000 for the final game.

Game 1: vs Empire

Set up for the first game, facing diwn the empire. Great swords, knights, a mortar and sone foot troops.

Move up, and the mortar kills a guy.

Turn 3, my Sarus Cav use their magic banner to sneak in a charge against the militia, killing them. Other stuff moves up.

Skinks flee from the charging knights.

The cav end up loosing to the great swords, and the knight break the sarus so a los3 fir game 1.

Game 2: vs Orcs and Goblins:

Here's the set up, this time scenario is to capture the hill in the middle 

Orcs move up a bit, and get a really good hit on the sarus cav. Sadly on my turn goblin fanatics killed all but 1. But my teradons got in position to get the rock thrower. I killed some goblin wolf riders on 1 flank with magic, and my lone chatacter got some on the other.

Giant tries to chage the last of the cav, but the fanatic kills him first!

My turn the terradons kill that war machine, and the wounded steggadon charges some orcs but runs away, bringing the super close to the sarus.

Guess I missed some pics! But the Sarus killed 1 orc unit, but in return got jumped on by the giant. I could have won turn 4 if the game ended, but it didn't and the orcs wore me down.

Game 3: vs High Elves 

Final game vs the high elves somethings going down.

Elves move up a bit getting into big problems with some big rocks. Also kill the terradons with magic.

I move up, big dinosaurs trying to charge. I use my cavs magic banner to surprise sone light cav, easily killing them and over running into fancier elf knights.

High elves pepper my carnosair up real good and make sone skinks flee.

Dinosaurs charge! But the knights flee, the big guy fails to get into do to some magic. On the other side I kill another unit of elf knights thou!

Another time skip hah. Allot has died, the steggadon charged the knights but somehow lost and fled, while arrows annoying brought diwn my big boy. Now we git a mix up remains of knights and sword master charge the sarys who hold!

But they eventually break. My lone hero fights the griffin lord but dies, and my cav fight the next unit of elf knights, and somehow eventually win!

Real fun game with lots of carnage, but I'm down allot on points, si a third loss.

Was great fun thou, super fun to play this old game again!



  1. Hi Mike,
    Thanks for the AAR, looks like a fun game. Who was hosting this Warhammer 6th Edition tournament?
