Sunday 26 June 2022

Battle Report - Nam

 Hello Folks,

Time for another battle, this week we are trying out some Vietnam gaming. Have some pretty small forces as we are working towards infantry aces, but enough to have some fun.

I took the PAVN infantry company, with 2 platoons, mortars, MG nests, recoiless guns, and Stan donated a few 'tanks'.

The evil invaders had an American airmobile company with a few cobras.

Decided to try the hot landing zone mission.

Here's the deployment, the Americans star with 1 platoon in the landing zone, which they have to defend, and try to take my objective in the woods. Rest of the Americans are in air mobile reserve, and the full Vietnam force is in immediate reserves, with most stuff coming on under the guerilla fighters rule.

Turn 1 no Vietnam stuff arrives.

Turn 2 infantry and nests. Some scattered fire but no effect.

Second air mobile platoon puts down. And some cobras pepper up my guys real good.

Turn 3 some AA are revealed, and they diwn a cobra!

Americans press forward but I diwn a other cobra, good times for Vietnam. Also get some very ineffective tanks to start pressuring the objective.

Americans press in an assault and push ne out of my nice wood.

On my turn I shift my AA and get another pair of cobras, plus bring in a second platoon, and move the remains of the first yo contest.

Americans assault again fi ishingvthe first platoon.

I am able to recycle my infantry, and press in the next squad. Sadly I get 4 of the 5 hits needed to pin, which means I am absolutely butchered by defensive fire.

So the Americans win an irrelevant woods and claim victory, but with some many choppers downed they can only score a propaganda victory.

Got to say Nam ended up being more fun, and more interesting the expected. Surely more to come, there's lots of interesting missions to try!


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the game Mike, good to get some figs on the table.
