Sunday 2 October 2022

Battle Report - Fallout

 Hello Folks,

More gaming today. This time trying out the Fallout miniatures to see how that is. We dud the first scenario, where the super mutants have set sone traps they have to check for meat, but they also caught dog meat who the survivors need to rescue.

Here's the set up, mutants around dog meat, and survivors and settlers coming in for the rescue.

Turn 1, mutants spreading out to check traps. I hadcmy 2 rifle ladies lay down covering fire on the mutants while the survivors advances to save dog meat.

Turn 2, the mutants check 2 traps, and head back to beat up the survivor. Meanwhile the third is heading for a third trap but is getting  peppered up real good.

Turn 2, the mutant with a board charges the survivor, who disengages and frees dog meat. 🐕 but this leaves the sledge Hamer guy to start swinging. Dog meat is really goid ot turns out and starts biting up the mutants. Meanwhile the rifle ladies finish off the other guy.

Turn 4, so last of the scenario. Dig meat bites the face off one mutant, but the sledge hammer guy diwns the survivor. This leaves the rifle ladies to easily finish him.

In the end the dog was rescued, and the mutants only checked half the traps so a win for the good guys! 

The Gallout game seems to be pretty fun, easy but some random things can happen. There's allot of tokens which is a bit fiddly, but so far seems good. Agree with Duncan that's its a bit like a more advanced walking dead game. 

So far so good looking forward to the next.



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