Saturday 15 April 2023

Battle Report - Warhammer Fantasy

 Hello All,

Time for another battle report. Today was the monthly Fandom meet up to play some Warhammer Fantasy, idea was to play 2200 points as there's a tournament next week with thay value.

I made a lizards list and decided to try out a Slann, ended up fighting Gnoblars!

Here's a pick after turn 1. Mostly both sides advancing, I used a spell to ger my salmanders into range to spit on the giant, but they both misfired and gibbeled uo most of the skink handlers!

Turn 2, cavalry charged easily running down a goblin unit. I tried to reach the scrap launch with a teradons charge but fell short, so the Slann used a spell to fly over and get them I to goblins instead. They lost and got run down. But my swarms killed a unit so there's that.

Gonoblar retribution was fast and brutal. The giant charged the blue skinks who failed terror and fled. Scrap launcher and a unit charged the stegadon broke him and over ran into some sarus, another group broke the orange skinks and overran into the Slann. All very not good!

My turn, cav punch through another unit, as fo the sarus with my sarus hero. But no more Slann starting to think I might be in trouble guys.

Gnoblars charge the stegadon who failed to rally chasing him off the board, and surround the sarus.

Sarus block charges, but the gnoblars somehow hold! Cavalry comes back on the board and uses their magic banner to charge crushing the gnoblar 'cavalry'. At least 1 unit is getting work done! Also the salamanders kill like a dozen gnoblars with their fire on 1 of the big units.

The sarus warriors are surrounded on all side, units on both flanks and hero in the rear. The gnoblars mostly wife their attacks, and all but the mighty gnoblar hero break. A massive comet called down by skink Priest kills another dozen of so of them.

But it's not enough, end of turn 6 most of my expensive units are dead, and I killed a bunch of cheap gnoblar units, the mathematics phase won't be kind.

A win for the Gnoblars this time!



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