Sunday 26 November 2023

Battle Report - Warhammer Fantasy Chaos Showdown

 Hello All,

Saturday was our monthly Warhammer day at Fandom, this week we are doing 2000 points using Ravening Hordes to make army lists.

I went with Warriors of Chaos, in general everything is allot cheaper so pretty much had to use all my stuff. Including some new Chaos Knights I just finished

Here's the set up, just Chaos warriors every where,  but the enemy has a dragon. I put my trolls out on the flank and was then forced to put my Chaos lord out there or they would be to stupid to move.

Turn 1 move up that's it really.

Evil chaos also advance screening with hounds in the middle and the dragon charges the trolls who strangely hold. 

My turn, my Horsemen and dogs kill off the evil dogs. But the trolls break and the dragon pursues I to my units flank, on the left my chariot was to afraid to charge, but the other broke some harpies.

Dragon charges my unit and our Lords have an epic fight for 2 turns then mine dies. I had the demon sword that does d6 damage but couldn't get a wound in. An evil unit breaks Horsemen and kill half and they rally.

Missed a few pictures it seems. Those warriors coming down the center killed tje Horsemen, and broke my unit buy failed to overrun them, then got crushed in my flank by the chaps knights. The dragon whiffed a round of combat and broke from my unit with very bad luck.

The evil Chaos knights break my red Chaos warriors from the front and ride them down. But my chariots clean up the small stuff. Lucky for me the dragon doesn't rally, and the game ends.

So a victory for me. Not sure how I would have dealt with the dragon other them be lucky, but that worked out.

Assessment of RH Chaos is that stuff seems very cheap, and Chaos knights are really good. 2 attacks, Chaos armor, lances, just murder machines. But foot warriors with Chaos armor are also quite cheap. Had to really say in a mirror match.



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