Sunday 28 January 2024

Battle Report - Flames of War Westren Front

 Hello All,

Today was gaming time again with Duncan and Stan, decided to change this up and go for some Flames of War which we haven't done in ages.

I took a mixed Panzer 4 company, with panzer 4s and a unit of 3 tigers, Stan took the tigers I took the 4s.

Duncan made an American company to match with parachute infantry and Sherman's using the Bulge book.

Scenario wise we just went for free for all, which is easy if you just want to mash tanks and not really take ot serious. Thou admirably this is the worse mission.

Here's the set up, our objectives on the roads, tigers on the left panzer right. American objectives are around the infantry, with a platoon of Sherman's either side and some guns overeating accross the river.

My panzer have 0 interest in fighting the guns so set off through town. The tigers try to blitz up on the hill but fail, as a result they just get 1 bail. The Sherman's then seek cover behind the woods.

More advancing for the Germans, the Americans are holding back until they can see the whites of our eyes.

Get 1 platoon into position to shoot up the infantry, even get 2 kills! Surely they must react now.

American tanks race forward, but not great luck and only managed 1 kill.

The return fire was pretty brutal, we probably got half of the Sherman's. My panzer git the full trick of blitz up shoot, and scoot back.

The Americans did their best to fight back, but badly shot up now. They manage another kill, but we get the rest of the Sherman's on our turn. At that point they give up as we will get that objective eventually, can shoot em up out of range.

In the end I think we had a lucky key turn, us the infantry was bring a knife to a gun fight. I expected the 76mm Sherman's to walk all over the panzer 4s but that never really happened.

Anyway fun game, more marvel next time!



1 comment:

  1. very enjoyable game, thanks Mike. I haven't played FoW in a while, but this was good to get back into.
