Sunday 23 June 2024

Battle Report - 40k 3rd Ed

 Hello Folks,

More gaming today, this time its 40k again. Sticking with 3rd edition we have some Space Marines vs Necrons action. 

Scenario wise we did a Necron specfic one from the battle missions book, Implacable Advance. 

Basically 3 objectives to capture, no outflanking. The Necrons are going to March forward in an unstoppable wave.

Here's a blurry shot of the setup, basically a scared trench planet. The white dots are the objectives.

I more or less advance forward and pepper em up a bit with gauss weapons.

Marines black forward jumping into the ruins with thd assault guy, charging scarab with a bike, while the dreadnought stomps forward. 

Very lucky shooting for me kills yhe big guy sadly.

Chaplin looses his men but manages to beat down the Overlord on combat.

However his flesh is promptly scoured from his bones.

Fun game but didn't really work out of the emperors finest. Loosing the big guy to a lucky shot early was a big blow he could have stomped allot of robots into the mud! But anyway no one can stop my shiny gold onslaught.

I am really digging 3rd edition fun times.



Saturday 22 June 2024

Battle Report - Club Day - Games of Thrones

 Hello Folks,

Yesterday was the club day, and the game was the Game of Thrones game by CMON. Lots of people excited to try this one out.

I took my lanisters with some newly added Cav and Kevan in charge to face the Starks.

We played a scenario where you have to capture table quarters.

Here's the set up, lots of infantry with cav on 1 side and the mountain on the other.

Got some good fights going, only big issue is my cav failed their charge and got flanked by a wolf.

I reduced the berserkers to 1 guy, but they kill all my mountain men. The starks have lots of cards for mostly destroyed units to fight at full strength it felt so this became very problematic.

Well I forgot yo take pictures of most turn sadly, was having to much fun. Took for ever for my cav to kill that wolf. Otherwise we pretty much ground down to nothing.

Starks were up a point or 2 and were able to use their non combat guys to claim so quarters to secure the win, which is pretty cool.

Here's some pics of other games:

Lots of giants

Oh snap a dragon.

Pretty neat basing

Anyway thats that for now. Game of Thrones was great so looking forward to next time, will have to paint some crossbows or something. Have to try a new commander as well of course, so many options!



Sunday 16 June 2024

Battle Report - Old World

 Hello All,

Yesterday was Fantasy day at Fandom, so time for the usual report.

We played the modified version of Comnand and Control, so the gual is to capture the central stone monolith for 200 victory points.

I took my ogres with my new best to dacevthe imperial gun lines.

Here's the set up, beast of the left, giant on the right wanting to eat sone knights.

Turn 1 move forward as fast as possible, fired off the cannon which scared off the thin line of spears.

Empire magic and shooting go hard killing lots of ogres.

Time for the big boy to charge the fanatics. Not ideal but protects him from the cannons. Otherwise mostly pressing forward. The giant I'd playing a bit of cat and mouse.

Again the ogre shooting hurts quote a bit.

Not many ogres left to charge, but it doesn't take many. The giant got the knights as well, Got lucky with stomps.

Empire numbers getting low but the griffion got in on the action.

Going to cone didn to monster v monster, who will win.

Griffon and beasty tearing chunks out of each other.

Griffion ended up winning, due to pre damage from the cannons. Close thou. 

Points wise things ended very close, less the 50 points difference so a draw!

I realized after I ticked the wrong beast in the list builder, meant to have a stile horn but I clicked the other one. The names are do similar hah.



Saturday 15 June 2024

Painting Update - Ogres

 Hello All,

Been awhile so time for another painting update. Mostly been working on Ogres but a few bits for other armies.


Working backwards first I have s big beasty for an ogre general to ride around on.


A new giant. Not my fav giant but it came in the battalion bow so why not.

Iron blaster:

Need some shooting to so the big ogre cannon chariot thing.

Swooping Hawks:

Also did sine swooping hawks, thought I would easily have 10 but turns out there's allot more bodies then wings.



Sunday 9 June 2024

Battle Report - Marvel

 Hello Folks,

Had another gaming day with Duncan, this time we played Marvel Crisis Protocol. I took the 3 Sentinels plus wong, Duncan had the Communist alliance or something?

We did the required 2 objective cards, 1 is the red ones you pick them up and they give you power and victory points, but do damage. The blue ones can't move but you roll some dive to control then can leave.

Here's the set up, big blue guys ready to take points. My goal for this type of game is score early score often.

First turn not much action, but the blue guys grab 2 red, and black widow and red whips guy both get 1 each as well.

Think I missed a turn but the most of it is crimson dynamo and whips beat up a sentinel really bad, but the leader put him back together. This caused them to want to smash up him.

Now I have 2 of the blue and had 2-3 red most turns. But the sentinels are getting pretty beat up.

Black widow was nice and got off the middle blue, sentinel prine took a hit but it allowed me to control all 3 for the win.

So another fun game of marvel. The models and especially terrain are really great, so hopefully it keeps going. For us at least everyone has more teams they are slowly working on. Hopefully will have 3 next time!

