Saturday 22 June 2024

Battle Report - Club Day - Games of Thrones

 Hello Folks,

Yesterday was the club day, and the game was the Game of Thrones game by CMON. Lots of people excited to try this one out.

I took my lanisters with some newly added Cav and Kevan in charge to face the Starks.

We played a scenario where you have to capture table quarters.

Here's the set up, lots of infantry with cav on 1 side and the mountain on the other.

Got some good fights going, only big issue is my cav failed their charge and got flanked by a wolf.

I reduced the berserkers to 1 guy, but they kill all my mountain men. The starks have lots of cards for mostly destroyed units to fight at full strength it felt so this became very problematic.

Well I forgot yo take pictures of most turn sadly, was having to much fun. Took for ever for my cav to kill that wolf. Otherwise we pretty much ground down to nothing.

Starks were up a point or 2 and were able to use their non combat guys to claim so quarters to secure the win, which is pretty cool.

Here's some pics of other games:

Lots of giants

Oh snap a dragon.

Pretty neat basing

Anyway thats that for now. Game of Thrones was great so looking forward to next time, will have to paint some crossbows or something. Have to try a new commander as well of course, so many options!



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