Saturday 28 September 2024

Battle Report - 40k 3rd Ed

 Hello Folks,

Time for more Classic Warhammer 40k action. Playing some more 40k 3rd edition, this time its my Craftworld Eldar vs the nasty Dark Eldar. As usually selected a mission from the battle book and got Out Flank.

2 objectives in my side, 1 for the Dark Eldar, but they are out flanking. Most objectives held at the end wins.

Here's the set up, the silver building, tau ship and round building in the far side are the objectives. I started mostly back but with the Wraithlord forward. Dark Eldar have 2 units of warriors deployed with wytches and incubi I'm reserve. I kept swooping hawks and war walkers in reserve.

Dark Eldar try a few shots, and I advance a bit nothing serious turn 1.

Turn 2 the wytches show up and start a melee for the tau ship. And the swooping halls drop grenades on a warrior squad killing most of them then land in the middle.

Turn 3 the dark eldar lord and his incubi show up on yhe Flank in their raider, not good. And the wytches have just about killed my storm squad.

Very lucky for me the wraith lord glances the raider with a missile, the rolls a 6 to destroy it! Leaving the incubi pinned and surrounded by flames.

Next turn the Dark Eldar lord seethes in frustration. But his guys are able to secure the tau ship and kill all but 1 hawk, could be worse.

Sadly on my turn the incubi all burn, the wraithlord then charges the Dark lord. He has a shadow field for a 2+ save but fails and is crushed by the mighty fist.

Next turn its an all out battle for the tau ship.

End of the game after turn 5. My walkers control the tau ship, the warriors have the round tower, and I forgot to put the wraithlord by the silver building so ots a tie!

Plugs the Dark Eldar took 2 slaves, so a tie + 2 slaves I guess?

Anyway very fun game!


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