Hello Folks,
Busy weekend, ended up with a double feature. Before Christmas we had a jet painting day, now it's time to put them into action!
The planes are hard to see due to the mat, especially the camo ones, not much we can do there but look close and its pretty cool.
I get 5 MIG-19, 1 painted by Stan, who get the drop on Duncans Thundercheifs, meanwhile Stan has a Phantom? High in the sky that ambushed me.
First turn goes very well, shoot down 1 of Duncan's plane due to coming in behind with advantage and good rolling.
Next turn the phantom comes in behind causing all kinds of hell and things get scrambled. You can just see his base off to the right. He puts me to disadvantaged and gives a boom chit, but I'm still flying.
The tight turns of the MIGS and starting with advantage helps me shoot up Duncan's plane, but the phantom I can't shake.
Final tally 2 MIGs down plus 1-2 thunderhead and the phantom? Call it a draw maybe. Technically the US planes should have left earlier due to morale but that happened to soon to be fun.
I think we need more like 4 planes each, or a but more overall anyway.
Very fun to get the planes out anyway, I think I like this version more then the WW2 as everything is twice as fast it feels more fun I guess.
For sure there will be more planes, but we have like 10 different games we need to play so who knows when.
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