Monday, 17 February 2025

Painting- Ottoman Upgrade Set

 Hello Folks,

Managed to complete the Ottoman upgrade set, this upgrades my skirmish force into a Task Force, few more bits and options that would be nice, but have to wait for the full release when you can pick up individual units.

Here's the added forces, some artillery combat cav lots of good stuff.

First up the hitters, nice bit unit of Siphai, charge in and do some damage.


Levends, a small skirmshing unit to be annoying.

Couple extra deli to bring the small unit to medium.

An Aga, extra commander.

Here's the full Task Force, good variety of units with infantry, cannons, light cav, heavy cav, skirmishers, but of everything. Hopefully that's smart, but only q way yo find out!



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