Thursday 7 March 2019

Battle Report - Warhammer 40k 8th Edition

Hello All,

Time for another Wednesday wargaming battle Report! This week we decided to go fir another game of 40k, but not that this game is using the 8th edition rules, last few have been with 7th.

I took my Necrons of course and Serge had sone Space Marines, arimes are about 900 points. We used the Open War cards to get a mission. Basically a triangle shaped deployment, 3 o jectives to capture in 5 turns, and armies are split into 3 parts and come on in turns 1, 2, and 3.

Here we are after my turn 3. Started with the overlord, barge, and warriors. They ar advancing using the big mesa to try and limit return fire and focus down the dangerous hellfire guys. The gold coins are the 3 objectives, the Marines back objective was pretty open so I sent some more warriors and a cryptec to try and collect that.

On their turn 4 the marines brought in a dreadnought some scouts and an Lt to try and defend their point. You loose immediately if the other side has all 3. I brought my final wave to pressure the center.

Marines get ready to try some assaults.

Blurry but lots of fights. Most of the are a slog as we both have thought units. But particularly the scouts lock down the warriors in the back keeping them in the game. But the Nevrons keep regenerating which makes the thought to eradicate.

Working hard to secure the center and keep the marines busy around the far objective. My spider managed to kill a Lt which is good fun. But the 1 remaining hrllblaster fighting all the scarabs for turns and turns just wint die.

The dreadnought finally gets into combat which is the end of those warriors, but the cryptec sells his life as a distraction by moving right on the objective.

In the middle I am able to get the immortals on the objective, and there is to much stuff in the way keeping them safe. The Necrons have a special rule to secure objectives so are able to claim it.

So a 2-1 victory for the Necrons!

Definitely makes me want to paint more stuff!


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