Wednesday 13 March 2019

Painting Update

Hello Folks,

Finally time for the first painting update of the year! Way late getting to this due to laziness. Well kinda had a slow start to things on Janurary as well. But got lots of stuff done.


The biggest new project I have been working on are the Necrons as mentioned previously. Started off with the get collecting set.

Start Collecting Necrons:

So basically you get some warriors and scarabs, 5 immortals, an Overlord, Lord and Anhiliation Barge. Great set.

Have added a few things as well. Duncan gave me another box of warriors and scarabs so I have those, plus the following:

Tomb Spyder:


All that bring me to 1000 points in 7th edition so a good base for an army. Have some other things to add as well but mainly on to new projects.

Pipes Terrain:

I also did a bunch of sci fo pipes to add on to my Martian themed table. Here is a small sample to see what they are like.

Panzer 4s:

Did a few quick tanks for a club game. Panzer 4s ended up being terrible but you learn these things as you go along hah.


Same for marders but they are great.

Fairmile D:

Another ship for cruel seas. Have more to get done by cangames for a game Duncan is organizing. Big star to come being a Flower Class Corvette.


One of Gothmogs lts. Have lots more lord of the rings stuff to do. Probably get back to that in the summer.

French Pirates:

The latest thing I have been working on is more French for my Carbonear island game. Planned for cangames. Look forward to seeing lots more 17th century guys and ships in the coming months!

Pledge Status, 2018:

Bought: 75
Painted: 62
Total: -13

Been a bit slow getting the first painting post for the year done. To be honest I waited to long and then it just seemed like allot of work! But I still plan to do these and keep track of things, hopefully on a more regular basis.

Still doing decent pledge wise, but another round of purchases coming up at Cold Wars hah.


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