Wednesday 12 February 2020

Painting Update - Warhammer Fantasy

Hello All,

Have another bit of a painting update for you. Recently have gotten bitten by the Warhammer bug so have been painting some fantasy stuff.

My goal is to get back into playing some old edition games, 5th or 6th. I had a copy of Island of Blood so inital plan was to just paint that but have picked up some more, plus I had some old models.

Pointy eleves were always my favorite so doing some of them

Sword Masters:

To get things started I picked one of my favorite units, elves with big swords, cant go wrong. These are plast7c from the set so really great models.


Then decided I need some core units, archers seemed easy to paint so went for them.


Next a hero to lead things. Had this old guy lying around sprayed white fir like 10 years so did him. Came out pretty well.

Army Shot:

So that's what I have so far. Working 9n 5 knights to get a second vote unit, then 8 will gave a legal list.


Interestingly this is my third time doing elves, I actually have an archer model from each time. On the left one of the first models I ever did, way back in high school maybe 20 years. At the time I felt painting bases was axwaste of time! Middle guy is like 10-12 years ago, and right recent.

So you can hopefully see how this have improved!

I should be painting black seas ships, but been slacking on that.

Pledge Status, 2020:

Bought: 101 (bunchbif elves)
Painted: 43
Total: -29



  1. Nice work Mike, you certainly have improved. Hope you finish the base on that old High Elf Archer, better 20 years late than never :). I have some figures I have had that long that need work also. I will have to decide if I use my Vampire counts or Dark Elves when we get our battle in.

  2. Those look great! Nice work Mike...
