Thursday 13 February 2020

Battle Report - Team Yankee - 50 Points

Hello All,

Time for another Wednesday wargaming battle Report! This week more team yankee, but decided to change things up a bit and gi for a 50 point game.

I decided to change things up a bit so went for a Patton company, using my tanks that were painted for  the Arab Israeli war. Also had some Humvees. Serge went for  a purely East German force with T55s T72s plus infantry and all the fixings.

Mission roll gave us dust up.

Heres is the deployment. I started in the right corner but used spearhead moves to sneak left behind the hill. Germans had a similar plan to get behind the forest. Plan to press the objectives with Humvees and defend with tanks.

Sadly I forgot about the super dangerous Herman infantry teams with 3 missiles each. I moved some tanks to try and kill one, but it lived.

Germans advanced through the woods and wiped out a tank and humvee squad with said missiles.

I decided that the infantry can keep their lands so moved my tanks to defend. Some humvees were stuck pinned down behind the hill however, with a horde of transports incoming.

Russians advance not to much action.

Then cleared out the humvees.

I got some reserves on turn 4, but they were forced behind the hill, to avoid the missiles.

Germans got reserves as well and brought in T72s. But they missed their shots. On the left a war between transports and infantry raged.

Bit of hope this turn. My reinforcement Pattons killed a t55 units, and the infantry were chipping away the tanks. On the other side I killed a t72. Not bad.

But the Germans are pushing in close and flanking, so my commanders were sadly killed.

I had to shift to hold the objective but killed a platoon of T72s. By this time the transports are pretty much all destroyed.

Germans move on 2 objectives which is bad. I figure my only chance to hold is to kill all the tanks near objectives.

I'm able to clear the left objective. But left with a bail and a morale test over here. If the Germans fail both I can hold on, sadly they pass both and tale the objective.

So a win for the bad guys. Was pretty fun thou. Those infantry teams are a real problem for sure. Guess I should paint some French Milan missile teams!


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