Saturday 12 September 2020

Painting - Heavy Gear

 Hello Folks,

Dream Pod 9 is doing their yearly painting contest, which I took as a great excuse to paint up a new army. I don't know why but always have a tn of fun painting Heavy Gear armies. Big thing this year is the new wave of plastic models, they are even more detailed then before (although at the cost of more parts). I found them to be great, also they are designed and cast in Montreal which I think is pretty cool!

I'm going to post the stuff I painted below obviously, but you can check out their forum to see all the other entries as well, lots of great stuff, mostly better then mine! hah.

General Purpose Squad:

Firstly some basic troopers. A bunch of warriors, with 1 warrior IV.

Heavy Support:

Then a heavy support squad with 2 bigger crusaders with heavier weapons, and a skirmisher to scout for them.

Strike Squad:

Some elite gears, a big argos with a few warrior IVs. The argos is actually metal not plastic. Actually this is the end of the plastic models. I still have some left, so will have to do a second wave of these at some point.


An artillery based infantry squad, the big artillery trucks can each transport a base. Love mixing in some tanks and infantry so had to do this.

Black Wind:

Finally a plane/helicopter? Anyway whatever you want to call I round things off with this flying stealh guy. Has an autocannon and rockets, so I guess kind of similar to a cobra.

Army Shot:

Full shot of all the guys I got done. Went with lots of bright colors this time, which worked out well I think. It's so easy not with the contrast paints.

Slann Mage Priest:

Also painted up a Slann to lend some more magical power to my lizardmen. This is a great model as well, tons of details on his floating throne.

Anyway that's all I have for now! Be sure to let me know what you think, and check out the rest of the entries to see some cool stuff.

Pledge Status, 2020:

Bought: 220
Painted: 214
Total: -16



  1. I have assembled mine, now need to paint them. Great job painting. I need to start trying contrast paints.

  2. Loving your PRDF stuff! Always glad to see the best faction get some love.

    Now I need to get around to building my stuff.
