Thursday 31 December 2020

Painting Update - Dungeon Tiles

 Hello Folks,

Figured I better do a post with the last bit of painting for 2020. I decided to work on some dungeon tiles over the Christmas break, not really sure why was just motivated that way. Anyway here's what I got done.

Base Set:

First up got cracking on the base set. I did well on the floors which are easier, but not as well in walls, only like half the walls done so far. But I think they turn out pretty cool.

Torture Chamber:

They also do some themed add on sets, so I did one of those when I got tired of the basic rocks. This one is the torture chamber which has wood floors and various torture stuff.

Progress so far:

Here's a shot of all I got done so far. As you can see I'm getting somewhere but mainly need more walls. Plan to keep chopping away at this, I figure it will be easy to toss in a few bits now and then. Its really only the walls thay are slow as they are bigger 2 sided and have more details.


After awhile I decided it was time for a tile break! So I painted some Christmas goodies, more Bot Wars stuff, these are basically the dinobots, fun! Have a few more to do of course. These are just fun to do so make forxa great lock down diversion!

Bought: 367 
Painted: 353
Total: -14 pretty close


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