Sunday 6 December 2020

Battle Report - Club Day Warhammer

 Hello Folks,

Managed to get in another club day, great time as usual. Today the main game of the day was By Fire and Sword, but we decided to play a side game of warhammer fantasy 7th edition.

Serge has some Skaven from island of blood, so I took small armies of both lizards and high elves, hoping to get 2 games in. They were around 700 points.

Probably got something things wrong, rusty on the rules.

Game 1: Lizardmen

First up the rats would have to fight dinosaurs. I forgot the set up shot but here we are after turn 2. Terradons flanking with skirmishes on the sides and a steggadon up the middle.

The rats pressed forward, lucky foe me their warp fire thrower just explodes and the has mortar shot wide!

Turn 2 much excitement! The steggadon charged in against the rats, but rolled very poorly, then fled from combat and was overrun! The blow pipe skins mage to kill a rat ogre thou. Meanwhile the terradons dropped rocks on the other unit of rats who panicked.

Rats counter attack, the ogres charge the skinks who flee into the woods. The mortar gassed a few of the others, while the cheiftans unit advanced.

My turn the orange skinks fail to rally and flee off the board! But the blue sk8nks are to to flank and t8ss javelin while the mage fires in some spells.

Skaven charge the mage who flees, and mortar gasses a few skinks who panic. The ogre tries to block and save the remaining unit from a rare charge.

Missing the last picture, but the terradons cleaned up the ogre, while all the skinks ran way, so a win fir the ratmen!

Game 2: vs High Elves

Second game I took out the very high elves to have a go. My plan is to shoot arrows while the sword masters murder everything and the knights flank.

Skaven fire the poison mortar dead on the swordmasters, who can't cut gas... All but 2 or 3 due who then obviously flee, he not good.

I decided a risk is needed so try a long charge with the knights but am an inch it 2 out sadly. But I am able to pincushion the mortar with arrows.

Skaven get right up in the archers face, with the ogres in the woods.

I'm not really willing to pit the knights into a forest, so try to run past. But lucky I am able to panic one skaven unit with shooting 

Rats fail to rally, but but up most of one unit with fire, the other die from the charge. Not looking good!

I try to charge the fleeing unit, but they run out of range. At least my wizard is able to kill the pesky fire thrower.

Skaven charge the knights in the rear with the ogres, killing a couple and making them run. While the remains unit tries to get my wizard with magic. But no luck their.

The disaster continues as my knights fail to rally and exit stage left! The skaven are able to kill my wizard on their go, so another solid win for them!

Not a great showing on my side perhaps, but was great to get back to playing this game again, very fun.

As usual here's a picture of the other games ongoing:

Tod showing Jay that rivers are a bad time.

More open battle.

I guess Cossacks raid a village i guess which is their bread and butter I assume!


1 comment:

  1. Great AAR Mike, thanks. Hope we can get our planned game of WFB 6th ed. in 2021.
