Sunday 3 October 2021

Battle Report - Age of Hannibal

 Hello All,

Another club day! Lots of people around today mostly playing Saga, mostly Crusadrs. But Serge wanted to try out Age of Hanibal so we went for that.  My Greeks vs Carthage.

Went fir the random mission, as usual skipping terrain as i set it up and we got:

March column

Unknown length


Show of force 

So basically survival points, with no shooting or charges over 12" fir the first 3 turns. Bonus for winning fights.

Here's the set up, I have a few spear phalanx ti fend the off flanked by javelins and bows. Facing many elepgants. 🐘 

Both sides advance gotta get close. Javelihs only killed 1 guy so not really what I was hoping for.

Carthage does encirclememt which let's 3 units charge. The warrior cav against the javelins was a push with 1 levy lost, the hearthguard did ok damage but lost half, the elepgants were pretty brutal, killing 6 warriors despite allot of defensive stuff.

I tried to throw javeling and charge the elephants with hearthguards, but didn't get the luck I needed sadly.

The angry elepgants then stomp my 6 remaining hearth into the dirt, not good!

Not really a ton of units left.  Other the elephants I guess hah.

I rest and try to charge the elephants with my warlord, but get denied. Partly desperation anyway.

But the elephants trample me on there own turns their turn anyway. No saga dice for my turn so fame over. Not much reason to do the math as ots pretty clear, but Carthage insisted! So it was about 25-4 for them fir those counting!

Need to work on some better anti-elephant tactics it seems.

As usual a few shots of the other games:


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