Sunday 10 September 2023

Battle Report - New Warhammer 40k

 Hello Folks,

Got to try out the new version of Warhammer 40k today, very exciting, plus get my newly painted Steel Legion guys in a game.

My opponent couldn't make it but Duncan was coming anyway and filled in with my Necrons so I got to see how both armies work.

Since it was so hot last week I went for a winter theme, and a simple scenario with 3 objectives.

Here's the set up, 3 objectives down the middle, guard in the foreground necrons on the other side.

First turn for the guard, move up with my guys trying to get the center, tank fires a shell into the necron warriors killing a few, and my lascannons do heavy damage to the annihilation barge.

Necrons reanimation brings all the warriors back, and the barges lightning guns annihilate the dangerous lascannons.

Trying to keep up the pressure, my tank and some infantry blast the warriors, and stuff try and kill the swarms advancing on the center objective. 

Next turn for the Necrons, they are focusing their fancy guns on chipping away at the tank which is going well, and the swarms are eating an infantry squad.

Next turn for me, I still have 4 infantry near the center objective, they fail moral which would make them unable to capture it, but the commissar executes someone making them pass. He the charges the swarm and missis all his attacks. Very impressive.

Necrons contest the center with immortals, and finally get the tank, with the warlord charging in to do the last wound himself.

Final turn the necrons clear out everything but the last heavy bolter, and claim all 3 objectives, enough to secure the win.

New 40k was pretty fun, no complaints really. Decent mix of simple core stuff but special rules to make things seem different.


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