Saturday 17 August 2024

Battle Report - Game of Thrones

 Hello Folks,

Game day at the club again, lots of variety this week, I went to play Game of Thrones,  which I have been really enjoying. 

I have lanisters this tine led by the mountain. Facing the dreaded targaryens under Strong Belwas. Fun!

We decided to play dance of dragons as it seemed fun but not to complicated.

Terrain I just set up, hate terrain set up rules, apparently no hills in this game but we just said the block line of sight if behind.

Here's the set up, mountain on the hill, cav on the flanks, crossbows to shoot at unsullied, and more guards and mountains men.

Turn 1 just moving up into position, the cav are faster so they are able to get on the objectives. I figure especially the unsullied will be hard to shift, but still hoping to pick away at them with crosbows.

Turn 2 things got hot fast! Shooting from dothraki messed up the hounds unit so I pulled them back. Then the cross bows got charge, and things turn into a bit of a mess. As you can see allot of lanisters died this turn so I am worried.

Next turn I had the initiative so the hound charged in a killed off that unit of dothraki. I got a bit lucky with the unsullied filing morale tests and the got beaten down quite a bit. Allot of unit had to die thou!

Then we ended with a big showdown between Strong Belwas and the Mountain. With a bit of luck the mountain managed to beat Belwas down, who then used a card to get 1 more fighting round and killed the mountain hah!

Things becoming tough now, my cav have a good save and are grinding down the dothraki veterans. But probably a bit to slow as the targs are at 9 of a needed 10 victory points.

Managed to just barely kill the vets, but not enough gas to fight the last unit. So its a solid win for the targs, I had I dunno 4-5 points something like that.

Very fun game, really enjoying Game of Thrones!

Anyway here a few shots of the other game going on at the club.

English civil war

L'art de la Guerre

Free peoples vs Greyjoy

Bolt Action


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