Saturday 12 October 2019

Battle Report - Test of Honor Game 2

Hello Folks,

Time for another Wednesday wargaming battle Report. This week we were keeping up with Test of Honor. Playing game 2 of the linked scenario campaign. This week my guys have been assigned to defend a small village, and the bandits out fir revenge attack!

The scenario gives 5 turns, at the end who ever controls the most points wins.

My guys set up in town, with a couple starting off as reinforcements as prr the scenario. This is the end of turn 1, so bandits incoming.

We end up with a battle of the heroes in the front! And a bandit Ronin brings down my Senior Sohei. But the boss is still kicking and angry. I think by this time the first group of monks was gone as well. The Ronin acted dishonorably so got an extra dice and dres a dishonor card, which would make it harder to survive a wound.

But my archers got a lucky shot, and took advantage of the card ending the Ronin.

But of a shorter turn next, but still some fighting in the middle.

Here we are after the last turn. Can see my last monk coming in. We forgot it gets easy to arrive as time goes on until the end. Anyway I still have the back right  and the back left objective is contested.

The bandits had moved off the forward objective due to a different understanding of how capturing works. So it could be a draw if you like, but I say I when, and we need a winner for the next scenario!

Bad blood between the Bandits and Monks grows.

This time we had all the cards and they add a nice touch. So you get some skills and such as it goes along.

Tune in next week for game 3!


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