Saturday 20 March 2021

Battle Report - Club Day ADLG

 Hello Folks,

We managed to get in another club day, this time around it was Art de la Guerre. Time fir some ancients battles. I took a War of the Roses army, and was to face Duncans War of the Roses, we both went York due to wanting pikes, but he was the pretenders. This is literally every stand i have painted thou so not like I have options.

I can't be bothered with the offical set up rules, and shifting things around and all that, plus I could only take a few elements of terrain so I just skipped all that nonsense and set up a table. I won the roll if and was the defender.

After my first move, I just advanced one flank, wanted to stick around the Artillery a bit.

Duncan advanced on an angle to meet, my big olde cannon was in range now and did a hit!

Turn 2 i move up a bit, and now get some longbow action. But the only result was my units taking hits, not super ideal.

Duncan advanced to longbow range as well, so lots of arrows now. This time its more even.

Next turn, on the right i wheel around to line up with the hill, and use all my pips in the center to get my knight in the line.

Duncan charges on the right, and moves into insult shouting range everywhere. This turn I enacted my plan to roll well, as you can see by lots of casualty dice and a missing bow unit!

Well its obviously chage o'clock, so I move in, its all combats now. Pretty even this time, we both loose a stand and take some hits. Knights pounding each other in the face and all that. Oh also on the right flank my general rolls a 6 against the pretender general rolling a 1, dead generals are great!

Final turn, were both kind of close to breaking, but I only need another kill. I'd say this round was fairly even, both sides took some hits, both lost a unit. That was enough to just break Duncans army, while I was like 3 points away?

So a great victory fir the English, against the evil tyranny of the English!

As usual a few shots of the other games:

28mm gam

Almost finished saga

Nicks very fancy banners 



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