Sunday 28 July 2024

Battle Report - Lizardmen vs Chaos Warriors

 Hello Folks,

Time for some more warhammer fantasy. This week it's Lizardmen vs Chaos 1000 points. No special mission just murder.

Very small army with 2 sarus blocks and steggadon with skinks to screen so I kept em together to start.

Turn 1 advance up, split 1 unit off to fight the chosen Chaos knights, don't really have a plan to be honest, hope they wiff?

Warriors don't move to much other then flanking units. Maybe I can kill the caff while the skinks whittle down the warriors.

Steggadon crushes through a dragon ogre. Kept my sarus at a long but possible charge from the knights, maybe I can get the to fail and snake a charge?

Missed a pic but they and the troll made charges. Troll died which let me reform and kill the dogs. Knights killing lots of guys, including my general eventually in a challenge. Had bad luck fighting but good on holding.

More dogs arrive as the knights keep grinding and the steg gets ready for another go.

Knights win finally but the steggadon is crushing the warriors.

Showdown. The steg trampled the dogs, but overruns a hair to fair allowing the knights to charge. They loose the hero and a knight or 2 but get him. End with a block of sarus and knights and a wizard left.

Math phase puts it at a 49 point difference so a draw!

Great game pretty even all things considered. Steggadons are good at stomping things! Need to try the bastilidon next time.


Sunday 21 July 2024

Battle Report - Warhammer Fantasy Beginners Tournament

 Hello Folks,

Yesterday there was another Warhammer Old World tournament at Red Dragon. This time it was more friendly for new people, so 1,000 points, no mage lords no big dragons, also no basing requirement.

I took Lizards men, couple blocks of sarus, skinks, kroks, terradons, scar vet and skink cheif.

Game 1 vs Chaos Warriors

Here's the set up, mission is to kill each other's general, chaos is in the knights, mine is in a sarus block.

Coming forward, shooting them up a bit.

Terradons flee from a charge, otherwise really getting in there.

Time for battle, Small units of chaos but need to kill em before I get flanked.

Lots pf shooting at the chosen knights, I don't want to fight them so shooting is the way to go.

Now we are getting somewhere. Keep getting draws in this big fight. Also my general us down to 1 wound after dueling a chaos sorceror.

Just hammering the k lights with poison shooting, slowly chipping them out.

In the end just the chaos lord is left in the knights, my guy still on 1 wound so it's a draw. Very fun game.

Game 2 vs Orcs in capture the hill

Set up for the second game. Goal now is to capture the hill. My play is to kill the flank stuff with skinks, whittle diwn the big unit the charge, bit optimistic maybe.

Orcs take the hill.

Advance up the skinks and fire some shots.

Orcs advance again, the squigs are rolling low numbers so aren't really able to press the skinks. But fanatacitd deal with my terradons.

Mire shooting but the javelin skinks also get killed by fanatics.

Art yo soften up the trolls but no luck.

Orcs try a foot of work. Next turn it scatters back through them killing the mage and a bunch of orcs.

Try my charges but it doesn't go well. Ended up getting killed piece meal.

Orcs take the hill and win game 2.

Game 3: vs Warriors of Chaos

Set up for game 2, I'm the attacker and need to get 333 points in the defenders deployment to win.

I dont want to fight chaos knights, maybe the skinks can pepper them up real good.

Woth some crazy luck turns out yes they can. OK guess we got a game hah.

Time for charging, we both roll kinda bad so this sarus vs warriors chat will be awhile.

Meanwhile marauders with flails smoke the kroks and my hero with sarus unit is being hard done by a gore beast chariot.

We just grinding each other to pieces.

Sarys win one but lose the other, but its very late in the game and the marauders and chariot are a but out of position. So I'm able to claim a victory.

Three very fun games, really enjoyed this format 1k so faster games, easy scenarios, no le stuff good times.

A few pics of other games:


Monday 15 July 2024

Battle Report: Marvel

 Hello All,

Had a second gaming day on Sunday, this time its Marvel crisis protocol.

I took the Sentinels, Stan had Spider enemies and Duncan has the commies.

Objectives are collect red tokens which might explode, and stand on blue ones which burn you.

Here's the set up, everyone just started in their corner since we have 3 and the cards are meant for 2.

Moving up into the city, sentinel in the construction grabs a red, iron fist lines up for another next turn. Other teams moving up.

More advancing, doc Oct absolutely smashes sentinel prime down to 1 hit and becomes public enemy number 1. Iron Fist flies up and grabs my second red.

Team Red abandons their blue objectives to focus on murder, I'm just trying to stay alive. I sent the normal Sentinels in to fight the doc and an angry bear ran through a building a bit me.

The turn of death. This turn the doc, thw bear, rhino, maybe more All got killed. Iron Fist started running fir an open blue in the back.

Times up. Most of us lost 2-3 guys, big point of the lasy few turns was black widow becoming public enemy number 2. She will probably get as much attention as doc oc next time hah.

Points was we all had around 10ish but I was a couple up so I decide I am the winner.

Next time maybe we will add a point for dazing guys, might have been a tie then.

Anyways that's the days fun.


Sunday 14 July 2024

Warhammer Old World: Multizone Tournament

 Hello All,

Yesterday I went to a warhammer old world tournament at multizine, 3 games 1500 points.

I took ogres with a couple of heroes, a bruiser on a big beast, and a butcher. A bunch of ogres, a giant and an iron blaster.

Game 1 vs Chaos Dwarfs:

Set uo fir game 1, seems like very few dwars should be easy right?

Dwarfs advancing a bit on the flank.

I advance up pretty fast, need to get in combat before magic and tank shooting kills to much.

Orc on a wyvern charges my big guy, turns out he is better so this is problematic.

Goblins trying to wound the giant while the wyvern beats down my Stone horn.

Oh dear

Cannon had the tank diwn to 1 wound and the iron guts managed to snake 1 in and kill it. Otherwise didn't do to much, major loss for the ogres.

Game 2 vs Beastmen

Pizza deployment this time, set up to fight monsters and chariots.

Dogs getting right in my face.

Some charges but beasts mostly flee.

Cocaktrice turning my giant to stone on the flank, while the lord blows up ogres with magic.

Kill some chariots and pigs.

Beast wizard deletes my big guy in 1 turn. That is about that.

Keep fighting on but get co.pletly wiped out, Another big ogre loss.

Game 3 vs Orcs

Facing the orcs, chariots boar boys and a giant 

Bug guy gets a lucky charge and kills most if the Boars who hold, giants line up fir a giant snack down.

Orc warboss charges the big guy, loos combat and get run down.

Most of our stuff kills each other while the iron blaster chips away the warboss with cannon balls.

My giant wins the smack down!

Sadly my cannon misfired so couldn't finish off the warboss. Lots of stuff dead on both sides, but orcs still have their expensive units while mine are dead, so it's another big loss.

So that's the tournament, lots of fun.

