Sunday 14 July 2024

Warhammer Old World: Multizone Tournament

 Hello All,

Yesterday I went to a warhammer old world tournament at multizine, 3 games 1500 points.

I took ogres with a couple of heroes, a bruiser on a big beast, and a butcher. A bunch of ogres, a giant and an iron blaster.

Game 1 vs Chaos Dwarfs:

Set uo fir game 1, seems like very few dwars should be easy right?

Dwarfs advancing a bit on the flank.

I advance up pretty fast, need to get in combat before magic and tank shooting kills to much.

Orc on a wyvern charges my big guy, turns out he is better so this is problematic.

Goblins trying to wound the giant while the wyvern beats down my Stone horn.

Oh dear

Cannon had the tank diwn to 1 wound and the iron guts managed to snake 1 in and kill it. Otherwise didn't do to much, major loss for the ogres.

Game 2 vs Beastmen

Pizza deployment this time, set up to fight monsters and chariots.

Dogs getting right in my face.

Some charges but beasts mostly flee.

Cocaktrice turning my giant to stone on the flank, while the lord blows up ogres with magic.

Kill some chariots and pigs.

Beast wizard deletes my big guy in 1 turn. That is about that.

Keep fighting on but get co.pletly wiped out, Another big ogre loss.

Game 3 vs Orcs

Facing the orcs, chariots boar boys and a giant 

Bug guy gets a lucky charge and kills most if the Boars who hold, giants line up fir a giant snack down.

Orc warboss charges the big guy, loos combat and get run down.

Most of our stuff kills each other while the iron blaster chips away the warboss with cannon balls.

My giant wins the smack down!

Sadly my cannon misfired so couldn't finish off the warboss. Lots of stuff dead on both sides, but orcs still have their expensive units while mine are dead, so it's another big loss.

So that's the tournament, lots of fun.



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