Monday 15 July 2024

Battle Report: Marvel

 Hello All,

Had a second gaming day on Sunday, this time its Marvel crisis protocol.

I took the Sentinels, Stan had Spider enemies and Duncan has the commies.

Objectives are collect red tokens which might explode, and stand on blue ones which burn you.

Here's the set up, everyone just started in their corner since we have 3 and the cards are meant for 2.

Moving up into the city, sentinel in the construction grabs a red, iron fist lines up for another next turn. Other teams moving up.

More advancing, doc Oct absolutely smashes sentinel prime down to 1 hit and becomes public enemy number 1. Iron Fist flies up and grabs my second red.

Team Red abandons their blue objectives to focus on murder, I'm just trying to stay alive. I sent the normal Sentinels in to fight the doc and an angry bear ran through a building a bit me.

The turn of death. This turn the doc, thw bear, rhino, maybe more All got killed. Iron Fist started running fir an open blue in the back.

Times up. Most of us lost 2-3 guys, big point of the lasy few turns was black widow becoming public enemy number 2. She will probably get as much attention as doc oc next time hah.

Points was we all had around 10ish but I was a couple up so I decide I am the winner.

Next time maybe we will add a point for dazing guys, might have been a tie then.

Anyways that's the days fun.


1 comment:

  1. That was a fun game...definitely a lot of carnage and surprises. Thanks Mike.
