Sunday 28 July 2024

Battle Report - Lizardmen vs Chaos Warriors

 Hello Folks,

Time for some more warhammer fantasy. This week it's Lizardmen vs Chaos 1000 points. No special mission just murder.

Very small army with 2 sarus blocks and steggadon with skinks to screen so I kept em together to start.

Turn 1 advance up, split 1 unit off to fight the chosen Chaos knights, don't really have a plan to be honest, hope they wiff?

Warriors don't move to much other then flanking units. Maybe I can kill the caff while the skinks whittle down the warriors.

Steggadon crushes through a dragon ogre. Kept my sarus at a long but possible charge from the knights, maybe I can get the to fail and snake a charge?

Missed a pic but they and the troll made charges. Troll died which let me reform and kill the dogs. Knights killing lots of guys, including my general eventually in a challenge. Had bad luck fighting but good on holding.

More dogs arrive as the knights keep grinding and the steg gets ready for another go.

Knights win finally but the steggadon is crushing the warriors.

Showdown. The steg trampled the dogs, but overruns a hair to fair allowing the knights to charge. They loose the hero and a knight or 2 but get him. End with a block of sarus and knights and a wizard left.

Math phase puts it at a 49 point difference so a draw!

Great game pretty even all things considered. Steggadons are good at stomping things! Need to try the bastilidon next time.


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