Sunday 9 September 2018

Painting - Terrain, Ghosts, and Infinity

Hello Folks,

Time for another painting update to share what I have been up to lately. Basically more Scots for Infinity and terrain plus some other bits and pieces.


First up more stuff from the Mantic Terrain kickstarter. Some simple hedges, I actually really like these they look good and are really fast to paint, sadly you only get the 2 it seems. I put a guy back there to show how big they are. Chest high basically.

Osgiliath Fountain:

Another few bits from the Mantic Kickstarter. You get a few bits of kind of greek style stuff. I used put some of it on a base with some cvobblestones to make a ruined fountain for my Osgiliath Terrain that I have been picking at. I think this works quite well also. I used some green wash to make the water old and stagnant. I have another fountain and the other half of the dias, so I am going to make a matching piece with just the pool and less pillars. I figure I can put them together or keep them apart. On the edges or a wall I guess.

Rough Ground:

These are not from the kickstarter, they are the pre made plaster rocks from the hobby store. I based them to make some real nice rocky ground areas. Slowly adding to the set of nice terrain so I will have more options ect...

The plaster rocks actually worked out pretty well. I need to do some more of the really big trees like this as well.

Caledonian HIghlander Army:

The main thing I have been working on is my latest Infinity army. A few more of these done, they take awhile to do, but look pretty nice. This is basically William Wallace and his 4 Highlander buddies plus a few odds and ends. I only have 1 more of these guys left to paint, and then I will have a bit of a break from them. Next big thing is Game of Thrones I guess, but with some distraction projects.

Army of the Dead:

Speaking of distraction projects... The new version of the Lord of The Rings Game came out last week. Now called the Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game. So I of course had to get the new book and big box. Part of that is some of the plastic ghosts. Couldn't resist painting some of these as they are super easy to do and look cool! I am excited about this game again so there will be more odds and ends.

Pledge Status, 2017:

Bought: 237 (The LoTR Box has 84 models in it ouch!)
Painted: 249
Total: 12

Still a positive number thou thats what counts!


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