Tuesday 9 October 2018

Battle Report - Saga, Norse Gaels vs Vikings

Hello Folks,

Lots of gaming going on these days so I have another report. This time playing Saga with Duncan.

The goal this time was to try out Brodir of Man Sorceror and king killer whom steel cannot bite. Given that the Norsexwould have a special guy I decided to try one as well and took Ragnar. Had him painted for a while so about time to be in a game.

Brodir only hangs out with heavy weapon hearth guards, I took some regular hearth guards plus berserkers and 1 unit if warriors.

Standard mission as we are still waiting on the battle book!

Here is the set up. Ragnar gives everyone in short determination which is pretty cool so they are surrounding him.

The groupsxadvance bit by bit and get closer to murder range.

The Gaels start charging and beat up my warriors. But 1 guy lived! Also only 1 Gaels lived so not bad.

The Gaels moved around a bit. Brodir has a good bit if space around him must be planning some sorcery.

I decided to send the last warrior to Valhalla so he charged to angry axe guys. He killed 2 so that worked out for me!

2 of my hearthgusrdx had to die to get the last 2 so apparently they are not as good as warriors. Still things looking ok for me.

The Gaels regrouped a bit bit and I set my big group out to kill another unit. Having 16 dice and fuller to reroll is pretty great. More deaths thou. At the point we are pretty even but I have 3 or so more hearth guard remaining.

Next turn brodir hatches his plan to kill ragnar. The axe guys clear a path and in he goes. But with some lucky saves and berserker sacrifices Ragnar lives!

Trips to Valhalla have been working. So considering steel zant bite brodir I sent the last berserker to fight him. I had all the good saga abilities and was lucky so he did it!

Someone else beat up the axe guys but zant remember who honestly.

And that is basically how it ended. There was a turn left but no one really could do much.

Points wise I was up by 1 warlord we both had 5 hearth guard left and I think the same amount of units killed. But a warlord is enough to win so it was a victory for the Vikings!

Really down to luck not with the berserker getting enough 6s to kill brodir but I'll take it!

Ragnar was fun I thin he is a pretty good character. Brodir is a bit more of z toss up but he seemed quite fun if random so I think he is worth it to. Having 0 war and choice is a bit harsh thou!

Hope you enjoyed the pictures.


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