Tuesday 23 November 2021

Battle Report - Blood Red Skies

 Hello Folks,

Got together with Duncan and Stan over the weekend to play with some planes. I get 4 bf 110s, being attacked by 6 spitfires of Duncan, but Stan has 4 bf 109 reluctantly coming to the rescue!

Enjoying a nice light when spitfire attack.

Tipped back planes have advantage, level is normal you can only shoot people worse off then you. So guy by the clouds might have to rethink his choices.

Shoot down this guy.

Stan's planes arrive and the sky gets complicated.

Not sure how to report on this game, as there's stuff going on all over the place. The bits had an ace named Johnny that was being very annoying. 

Spread out a bit more now. The spitfire using sharp turns to try and get at the 109s.

The big planes get tail gunners, which turns out are goid at putting boom 💥 chips on people. Which is a morale thing your force leaves if you get to many.

Jonnie flying back after chasing my guy off the board. We tried to out manuver this chap but he gets a million agility dice.

One spitfire gets in a bad spot so the whole German airforce tries to shoot him down. Didn't quote mange that but we got allot of boom chips, so the bits decide to pack it in.

Pretty fun game simple but fun!




  1. Nice report Mike...was a fun game. Never underestimate the power of being fashionably late, especially to a furball.

  2. If we remember the tailing rule next time someone might actually get shot down!
