Saturday 20 November 2021

Battle Report - Club Saga

 Hello Folks,

Another club day done, this time around was Saga! Age if Magic for me, took my newly painted Macedonians so went fir great company, facing of the spooky scart skeletons.

The mission was:

Frontier region
Under pressure

So basically but you can end the game early if you think your ahead, but your opponent gets 1 last turn to ruin your day.

Here we are after undead turn 1, just advancing up. Also I put my pikes on tray as I thought it would be annoying to move them individually. Anyways fir me its pikes in the center flanked by cav and elephants, with hearthguard out on the flank. My plan was to have the captain order the elephant but turns out he can't!

I advance up the pikes, with the warlord to inspire for some extra attacks against the undead.

Skeletons won one fight i got the other, but main thing kept my saga dice.

For my turn the elephant the hearthguard charge the skeletons on the flank. Frustratingly 1 lives!

The undead of course resurrected more immedatly. Then advancing after my fleeing pikes and bringing up the bone giant. Who smashes my hearths, but takes allot of fatigues.

My turn, sadly bad saga dice prevent me from getting the elephant I to things. But I try my cav and then pikes against the skeletons, not quit doing as much damage as needed. In an attempt to protect my pikes I moved up the captain as bait. The undead then mostly rested but did fight the captain I think.

I used the magic re-roll to get some dice t9 move my elephant, but the undead candle ot with fatigues! Curses. But my warlord and cav can finish 1 unit of skeletons.

Undead pressing forward, with the front skeletons back to full power.

Finally get to move elephant who promptly tramples the bone giant, and just barely survives! Meanwhile try to beat up more skeletons, bur 1 survives again! 

Undead kill more pikes costing me another saga dice not good.

I decided to try and kill the undead warlord who is on a few fatigues,  but can't quite manage it. Even throwing in my last hearth guards fir a lucky roll.

Ah well on to the mathematics phase, the undead are up by 2 or 3 points so it's a win for them! Very close and fun thou, 1 mire hit and I would have got the warlord!

Saga and Age of Magic is always a good time.

As usual a few shots of the other games:

Age of invasions, or age of slaughter?

 Age of Hannibal much more peaceful, for now...



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