Saturday 27 November 2021

Battle Report - ADLG Inca vs Rome

 Hello All,

Got to have another game of ADLG, Incans vs Roman's in the mountains. I skipped thecterrain set uo rules and just did it myself.

Here's the set up. 1 set of legion to go around the forest, 1 to hold the center, and dome cav to gi around a big hill.

Roman's advance up.

Incans follow suit trying to get into stick throwing range.

Think I missed a turn of movement, but now we have combat in the center. Roll very badly and take allot of hits.  Not great.

Legions on the left wasting time chasing light foot, in the middle gearing beat up, but the cav dodges the light foot and starts to get in there.

The fights grinding away, takes awhile to kill armored heavy foot. I'm doing some damage but not really going Roses way.

The light foot all runs away which is annoying. But given time can chase diwn and trap them.

Last turn, nit quite over but I'm my army is close to breaking, and the Incan horde is more like half. With it being super time decide to call it there. Victory of Inca.



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