Thursday 2 May 2019

Battle Report - Stalingrad

Hello Folks,

Time of another Wednesday wargaming  battle report! This week we ended up playing a fame for the Stalingrad campaign that is running at the club. I am on the German side and Serge the Russians.

I took the same list as last time which is a few panzer 3 long some marders panzer 2s and a small as platoon.

I decided on static defense to get something different, and we got bridge head which seemed really bad. The defender, me, starts off partly surrounded and you can only start with 1 tank platoon!

The Russuans have a mixed force with t34s infantry and kv, oh my!

Set up:

Here 8s the deployment, with the marxers in ambush. I am in a square in the middle of my side  with the Russians creeping up the sides.

The Russians advance but no real action. On my turn I mercifully get reserves, and ambush the marders to threaten the KV, as they are the only thing that has a chance however small. Started shooting and killed a t34.

Russians stop to shoot but they have no luck.

Next turn the Russians press in close, infantry on the objective already.

I get the rest of my reserves which is good, the universe wants me to have a chance! Move my AA to die by the objective to get another turn.

The Russians kill them of course. And have a pretty good shooting turn, losses starting up build up.

My turn I send thr panzer 2s to replace the AA. One infantry was just barely on the other objective, so I had to move up some real tanks as well.

With a few more kills the Russians are feeling more confident and start to press more, with both main tank units advancing.

Great turn for me. The marders give up on killing the KVs and attack the t34s instead. Using blitz to move over, then shoot and scoot to duck away. With some help from my other tanks the big t34 unit breaks! Infantry are whittled down most armored cars are dead, really only the KVs left but they are a big problem.

Infantry spread out while the KV advance.

My turn I take out the infantry. This brings the Russians to 2 platoons the KV and running away mortars.

But I am weak as well with a few platoons on 2 tanks.

With no way to fight the KV, they are front 9 side 8 and my gun is a 9, they are able to break my company. So a loss for me but it was very close!

Seemed like a diaster early on, but this surprised me and really turned into a good game. To bad the KV being invulnerable kinda sucks, but oh well still fun.


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